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Posted 13 years ago

Erik_Revolution wrote on Fri, 10 June 2011 03:31Hey shi, why is crowd mudded? I believe I haven't used it for anything evil lately. Thanks in advance.
Posted 13 years ago
you were multi-accounting fox_demon and erik_revolution at the same time so i decided to mud fox_demon.

that is all.
Posted 13 years ago
But that was on another IP? How will you be able to trace an account that is totally unrelated to erik_revolution then? Is this going to be based on judgement?

I could register an account confirm it and it will never show on my spy list. Then I could proxy on telnet and you will never notice. Why are you making flawed rules?

Also, why aren't you warning us that multi accounting is not permitted before going full mud on users?

Posted 13 years ago
we've always said we frown upon multi-accounting.

i didn't trace. i saw you do it.
Posted 13 years ago
But you have never doing anything against it. By the way, I was using another computer to login. I wasn't using the same ip.
Posted 13 years ago
ITT: Erik being Erik
Posted 13 years ago
Erik, you were caught in the act.

Give it up already, go to your room and think about what you did.

Your father will be so disappointed.
Posted 13 years ago
so why did it take you so long to mud erik after we complained so much
Posted 13 years ago
i didn't mud erik. i mudded the offensive account, fox_demon.

offensive to whom? offensive to me because i saw it multi-accounting. i have to observe the offensive act before i can act upon it. complaining to me about the offensive act merely acts as a precursor to me observing it when that happens. until then, i would have not observed it yet and thus cannot act upon it.
Posted 13 years ago
okay well thanks for making excuses
Posted 13 years ago
Erik_Revolution wrote on Sat, 11 June 2011 04:16Quarterlife is multi ing, why aren't you mudding him?

shi wrote on Sat, 11 June 2011 18:34thanks, i'll have to see it for myself next time i am online and if he's been using it for bad.

Posted 13 years ago
Quarterlife is just banking yukarin's alts

I've never seen him ban people and shit like erik
Posted 13 years ago
desu_boku wrote on Sat, 11 June 2011 02:33go to your room and think about what you did.
Posted 13 years ago
So the TL;DR is, multi-accounting is only bad when you use it for bad things.


Posted 13 years ago
Last time I checked I wasn't evil.
Posted 13 years ago
You're only Qata-evil
Posted 13 years ago
this is funny
Posted 13 years ago
erik you should stop banning me so i dont have to keep tv protected again.
Posted 13 years ago
I can do whatever the fuck I want.
Posted 13 years ago
Erik_Revolution wrote on Thu, 07 July 2011 02:33I can do whatever the fuck I want.

Spoken like a true fatass.

Posted 13 years ago
XIX wrote on Wed, 06 July 2011 22:34Erik_Revolution wrote on Thu, 07 July 2011 02:33I can do whatever the fuck I want.

Spoken like a true fatass.

Spoken like a true faggot
Posted 13 years ago
*We fast-forward to one month in the future.*
Posted 13 years ago
By the way I was using 25 alts to get 500k from tag every day to bank accounts and protect rooms, I miss the old days when I could be bothered to do that.
Posted 13 years ago
you registered in fucking march of 2011
what old days are you talking about
Posted 13 years ago
yeah I've been here so long I'm cooler than all of you
Posted 13 years ago
I have so little of a life that I registered on Christmas!
Posted 13 years ago
Jews don't celebrate Christmas <3
Posted 13 years ago
Quarterlife wrote on Mon, 08 August 2011 00:15I have so little of a life that I registered on Christmas!

Really? Wow. That just made me feel really sad for you.
Posted 13 years ago
Athens wrote on Mon, 08 August 2011 15:10Jews don't celebrate Christmas <3
Nor Atheists, hence why I was free on Christmas.
Posted 13 years ago
Even ATHEISTS celebrate Christmas loser
Posted 13 years ago
I'm an atheist, and I celebrate christmas.

I spent last christmas being very British.

And also very drunk, as people on skype found out.
Posted 13 years ago
I don't celebrate christmas because I hate jesus and capitalism and santa claus and jews
Posted 13 years ago
Tosi wrote on Fri, 12 August 2011 01:22I don't celebrate christmas because I hate jesus and capitalism and santa claus and jews
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