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Posted 12 years ago

xDiablox wrote on Sun, 17 June 2012 19:29Please mud KAM it's a huge mistake to unmud him he is causing all kinds of bullshit!

oh dear, what have you been up to, kam?
Posted 12 years ago
I'm sure Kam will tell you EVERYTHING.
Posted 12 years ago
i want to tattle on kam but i won't
Posted 12 years ago
I got nothin'.
Posted 12 years ago
KAM is being a KAM, so that's enough reason to cover him in shit ASAP. Quick, call the Germans! They've always got enough shit stockpiled to go around.
Posted 12 years ago
I dumped a lot of my boyfriends from skype, they were being poopieheads to me, so I just started not giving them cookies or allowing them into my room.
Posted 12 years ago
Also, I've been scooping people using invoke siren and kicking them into my kam.tv room like Erik yolo'd at me after he called me a tyrant for demanding a shortcut, but I was like ohhhh, I didn't know that... and this was like a year ago and I never tried it til now :}
edit: remember some weeks ago when we flooded an entire forum with how Erik deserved to be mudded because he was a tyrant with telnet IP's to ban me cuz he was dummed on his main?
He did not get mudded.
But hey, after I invoked siren, richie banned my guest.
Posted 12 years ago
normally I'd be against mudding ANYONE now that the mud is gone, but really, kam is the biggest douche in the world. I don't even know what he's doing but I know it's because kam has no social boundaries and treats people like playthings. I don't nthink mud is the answer. KAM, being the seriously most annoying person in the world, will simply find ways to re-mud everyone.

No mud.

but kam just shouldn't be allowed to play this. it's like giving a gun to a five year old.
Posted 12 years ago
KAM wrote on Sun, 17 June 2012 21:25...richie banned my guest.
right after you banned mine...

unprovoked, i may add
Posted 12 years ago
it's only the immature 12 yr old bigots that complain you know, the ones that never do anything except try to troll kam. and never the decent, respectable human beings that aren't 24/7 on my dick about every post and message I say.

If anything, forum-penalize richie and jtab's alt felony. Normally I'd also vote to forumban erik, but at least he posts derpy screenshots that make 1/10th of his posts actually worth a fart.

I think it's strange why blox voted to mud me..
we have people banning guests, users on sight, punching, using macros, gimping and chavving.
I remember yukarin punched blox and macro-banned him.

All I did was punch xdiablox for trying to dispel erik, and I remember using a dispel for blox.

You guys are the biggest bunch of useless whiny crybabies, srs, handle your own diarrhea and stop being a dick proceeded by demanding punishment to further encourage dickish doings
Posted 12 years ago
just mud everyone, its funnier that way.
Posted 12 years ago
reg mud *
why not
Posted 12 years ago
KAM wrote on Mon, 18 June 2012 09:41it's only the immature 12 yr old bigots

holy shit kam described themselves

seriously kam fucking leave wetgenes its kind of sad how we all hate you and tell you this to your face frequently and you still come here
Posted 12 years ago
what the hell is wrong with that cow's face
Posted 12 years ago
KAM wrote on Mon, 18 June 2012 04:41we have people banning guests, users on sight, punching, using macros, gimping and chavving.

KAM wrote on Mon, 18 June 2012 04:41I ban guests, users on sight, punching, using macros, gimping and chavving.

Posted 12 years ago
KAM wrote on Wed, 13 June 2012 07:17
The currency of mad has become scarce, jogging up the hoe-house will circulate a little more :}}} mew

Can we do anything about Kams whatever he is doing in Hoe House? The guy had 20 houses, nearly 500 Hoes and 2K bros in 24 hours. The best a legit solo player can do is around 170 Hoes 7 houses and 600 Bros with 300En. Trades have not worked since shi "fixed the omg herp-derp glitch" Kam had found that was giving him 5743895789347687349835e^34 items.
I see nothing about bookie working, Trades do not function; I can only conclude he's being a cheating Jew.

He won't even explain what he's doing if you ask him, He just acts like a lobotomized cat and claims he's "better"(at cheating?).

Am I allowed to go outside the constraints of the game or can we put Kam back in them?
Posted 12 years ago
we're moving everything again to a different server. currently, hoehouse lives on google and this limits what we can do (to kam) but hopefully this will fix the current situation. appreciate your patience, athens.

xix killed trades cause, as he puts it, "the bitches won't shaddap." bookie was supposed to be, along with other things but see previous comment.
Posted 12 years ago
Tao hates me cuz I dont care about Team fortress 2.

Richie hates me cuz I called him a bad person for breaking a girl's heart.

Then there's Athens... who does nothing except be a jerk to me.
Why would you think I would tell you my strategy? You do not deserve to know, you should already know.

if "shi" asked me how I did it, then I would tell her, but not some crybaby who thinks he mastered the game. It would be then in her magical tongue hands to claim my strategy's fairity. I refuse to serve people my strategies to jerks who do nothing but wiseass remarks and sarcasm and /dis /gag /ban me in someone else's anointed private room.

I have been NERFED every chance I get. I lost my level 42, I lost the gimp ability to sacrifice spamban people to have that one person banned as long as I would be at the risk they remain online as I do it for if they sign out, I would've been the only one screwed.

all I do is play the game... you may not like my methods, but I've played this game much longer and know how everything works.

You want to know how? Ask Shi after I tell her after (if, when, wtvr)) shi asks me.
Posted 12 years ago
fucking 480

i can't even read the shit you type

hell, you don't type, you just slam your אצבעות on the keyboard, hoping sentences form.
Posted 12 years ago
and then everyone realized that only kam and his alts play hoehouse and there was no argument to begin with

lol richie since when do you speak jew
Posted 12 years ago
Recap of ppl who hate kam:
Erik: He's a giant bigot
Taokaka: But he calls everyone a faggot
Richie: A disgusting individual who stole Lana's pants and backs up Erik.

Simply being online attracts negative attention..
Most of my posts are chimed in by some assclown (inb4 jpg)
It's a bit odd how Athens BARELY played this round.. pfft.

Remember when I submitted videos of how I got high scores when people like entombor and traces claimed I was a hacker? Remember how idiotically wrong they were? Remember that video I took of hoehouse and submitted to Shi?
No more videos until the gods wish it so. Name a single user who is treated worse than me, and I will laugh at you.
Posted 12 years ago
but you're entombro

Posted 12 years ago
I like this thread now. So much DUUUUUUUUUUR in so little posts.
Posted 12 years ago
Yeah I remember the olden days where I would scoot ahead and XiX would leave himself open with 2,000,000,000 in cash while I was asleep. Kohaku took advantage of this, but the other time, I was like OH NO YOU DONT...

but yeah.. Athens going outside the constraints of the game... interesting...
Posted 12 years ago
Athens wrote on Mon, 18 June 2012 14:19

The best a legit solo player can do is around 170 Hoes 7 houses and 600 Bros with 300En.

:3c Normally you don't even need any bros that early in the game :3c

Athens is a poor gamer... I mean PRO! PRO GAMER ATHENS IS!!!
Posted 12 years ago
KAM wrote on Mon, 18 June 2012 21:57Yeah I remember the olden

The fuck did I just read. You have no right to claim you were here in the old days, n00b.

I agree with this whole thread. Reduce the number of crowns and we'll have less jews trying to take over the game. Plus, there will be competition on the normal games. Competition was funback in the days.
Posted 12 years ago
this nigga
Posted 12 years ago
i will not lie, i was startled and i couldn't scroll away.
i was frozen in disgust.
Posted 12 years ago
I think Shi is trying to rescue traces with that gif
Posted 12 years ago
KAM wrote on Tue, 19 June 2012 02:39Tao hates me cuz I dont care about Team fortress 2.

I hate you because you're a faggot who banned me on a whim one day

to this day I hate you
Posted 12 years ago
jesus fuck
Posted 12 years ago

Kam recommends I get forum banned for agreeing with whoever is against him. Facist much~? <3

seriously guy if you are taking shit this seriously and are the center of the drama (like always) you should seriously take a break. I did, and you can't believe how great it feels. My god, not having to deal with you faggots is one of hte greatest gifts from god I ever recieved.

oh ya, thx shi and xix for unbanning me btw. I've been working hard on not being a douche bag. unlike some peolpe here coughkamcough cough coughkam cough
Posted 12 years ago
If every post a user makes is just slander this and that, then said user contributes nothing useful.

No I did not ban taokaka on a whim, I am not traces. I only banned Taokaka twice: The first time when Tao was nice to me (I had his pants in 2011 didn't I?) he just abruptly mouthed off to me (2010-2011 era) This actually led to Tao saying oops I'm sorry Kam. (o.0) DEAD serious. You know if they didn't share pants, I might have known who the hell is saying what to me, it's a bit of a bother.

The second time (late 2011) the same thing happened, but this time Tao continued to mouth off to me. I knew he would never like me again...

Me starting crap with tao? As Zelda cdi would say 'you've got to be kidding'. I'll bet he was mad because I didn't like much of his internet girlfriend paramedic.
And not much later since that point I was hardmudded which so happen to have Taokaka mudded for quite some time.
Of course he's mad. And unless I kill myself, he will forever be the mad...
Posted 12 years ago
Posted 12 years ago
considering how abusive you claim everyone is to you, and how much we all often admit we hate you...

why not leave?
Posted 12 years ago
para is tao's internet girlfriend?
does she not realize that he's gay
Posted 12 years ago
jtables is just un-informed

speaking of

don't spread misinformation on the internet!
Posted 12 years ago
KAM wrote on Wed, 20 June 2012 22:35 No I did not ban taokaka on a whim (Why not? :3) I only banned Taokaka twice(Should have banned him more!)The first time when Tao was nice to me (Tao trollin') he just abruptly mouthed off to me (2010-2011 era) This actually led to Tao saying oops I'm sorry Kam. (Tao LIES!) (o.0) DEAD serious. (Too srs for the internet!) You know if they didn't share pants, I might have known who the hell is saying what to me,(You're one of the few that seem to care, including Taobaka)

I knew he would never like me again... (FFFFfffffwhat!? Why do you fucking care? XD)
Me starting crap with tao? (You should start crap with Tao everyday!) I'll bet he was mad because I didn't like much of his internet girlfriend paramedic (Paramedic is a fat and ugly man! YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD!).
unless I kill myself, he will forever be the mad... (If this is true then we have to start fitting you with cyborg bodyparts and organs so that you can live forever! XDDD)
Posted 12 years ago
felony wrote >Facist much~? <3
You seriously need to look up this word on Google again and carefully read its' definition.
Posted 12 years ago
I could /join fish.tv as a guest on someone else's computer and Tao would smell my pheramones and launch a wombo combo of asdfninjabaseballbatmen

Each time I vacated from here, I came back to a much more emptied playground of ferfaderf
but why...
and what why am I even referring to...

Mind you all, if an atrocious user is upset, this is a fine entity.
Posted 12 years ago
KAM wrote on Thu, 21 June 2012 21:40I could /join fish.tv as a guest on someone else's computer and Tao would smell my pheramones

I can smell the faggot on you
Posted 12 years ago
because this place lives on drama but at the same time the gods work out newer and newer ways to destroy it
they've been in the business of making this place less fun since 2008 when they disabled multiaccounting
Posted 12 years ago
raining on your parade since 1995.
Posted 12 years ago
KAM wrote on Thu, 21 June 2012 21:40I could /join fish.tv as a guest on someone else's computer and Tao would smell my pheramones and launch a wombo combo of asdfninjabaseballbatmen

You can't join that room for 10 minutes without doing something abrasive, Every time I've seen you given an inch you go to doing exactly what is asked for you to not do. Your antics in public tends to be the driving force for people joining that room anyway.
Posted 12 years ago
Way to go Athens, you just summed up Taokaka in a nutshell.
Posted 12 years ago
launch a wombo combo of asdfninjabaseballbatmen
Posted 12 years ago
Athens wrote on Thu, 21 June 2012 23:25KAM wrote on Thu, 21 June 2012 21:40I could /join fish.tv as a guest on someone else's computer and Tao would smell my pheramones and launch a wombo combo of asdfninjabaseballbatmen

You can't join that room for 10 minutes without doing something abrasive, Every time I've seen you given an inch you go to doing exactly what is asked for you to not do. Your antics in public tends to be the driving force for people joining that room anyway.

KAM wrote on Fri, 22 June 2012 03:21Way to go Athens, you just summed up Taokaka in a nutshell.

he was talking to you kam

are you really that stupid
Posted 12 years ago
I'm sorry, I was knocked senseless by the ninja baseball batman,

but seriously some of you "instigating provoking mudkips" need to stop violating the lawl, Maybe I like rolling my gimps in a box of styrofoam and tickling them

Posted 12 years ago
felony wrote

are you really that stupid

Posted 12 years ago
KAM wrote on Fri, 22 June 2012 08:10I'm a JEW. I'm a JEW. I'm a JEW.


I'm a JEW. I'm a JEW. I'm a JEW. I'm a JEW. I'm a JEW. I'm a JEW. I'm a JEW. I'm a JEW. I'm a JEW. I'm a JEW. I'm a JEW. I'm a JEW. I'm a JEW. I'm a JEW. I'm a JEW. I'm a JEW. I'm a JEW. I'm a JEW. I'm a JEW. I'm a JEW. I'm a JEW. I'm a JEW.

Posted 12 years ago
that description does fit tao better than kam though
i don't blame him
Posted 12 years ago
traces is should be known by now that you are a piece of shit far, far far far far far worse than anyone here. it is you who showed kam's penis around, you who makes everyone's private life public and you who would trick users into sharing your pants when you were mudded. "just logon real quick for me lolololol" so really traces, if everything you say is a lie, then right now you're just saying that athens perfectly described kam.

seriously who gives a fuck about tao, really. If tao makes you mad then you're pathetic. he's never bugged me <3
Posted 12 years ago
Traces showed my penis around? what?
Posted 12 years ago
Thats quite dramatic. Moar from jtab, plz.
Posted 12 years ago
felony wrote on Sat, 23 June 2012 04:27traces is should be known by now that you are a piece of shit far, far far far far far worse than anyone here.
jtab I like you again
Posted 12 years ago
I like turtles...
Posted 12 years ago
Who the fuck are you? jeez you're almost as dumb as that last KAM Alt
Posted 12 years ago
felony wrote on Sat, 23 June 2012 04:27♫ i'm a bad troll, a very bad troll ♫
Posted 12 years ago
traces wrote on Mon, 25 June 2012 14:19felony wrote on Sat, 23 June 2012 04:27♫ i'm a bad troll, a very bad troll ♫

unfunny uninspired bullshit. why do people tolerate you
Posted 12 years ago
i am glad kam typed up a bunch of words
oh no the man from the internet called me gay i am really upset
i have a spine made out of paper
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