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Posted 12 years ago
Can it be 5 crowns instead of 10?

Erik_Revolution wrote on Mon, 25 June 2012 18:49Please! Hoe house is just taken too serious by Kam. Look at all the alts he has in there. He is the only one playing it! My suggestion is you only give 5 crowns instead of 10, but the less the better. The game was never fun to play since we were pretty much doomed to play it. Back when we had fights we had to keep up with the "easy" crowns. Now its just useless and its destroying the already destroyed everyday games. There has to be some competition. I don't wanna type more but yeah, this summarizes my point. Thanks for listening.

you guys know where i stand with this matter; nowhere. this is between you and xix. i'm staying out of this. it was never my decision in the first place.
Posted 12 years ago
Erik hasn't been playing, now he wants it nerfed? pssh. I use effort, and I can be out-done by someone with half as much effort.

tl;dr-- no competition my ass, try trying, jeez
Posted 12 years ago
Anyone can be an asshat and go on hoehouse and use x alt, mash work, hurp a durp, mixed with a little abbalabba and a heydehey and presto! Kam has no crowns. ever.
Posted 12 years ago
why do you need alts in hoehouse anyways
is it just so you can mash the work button twice as fast
Posted 12 years ago
Yes traces... just like how when a guest logs out, all their cookies go directly to the main account on the same IP instantly.
Screw that, I have an extra mouse so I can use both my hands so to speak!
Posted 12 years ago
lol i remember when you totally fell for that
Posted 12 years ago
> spend an hour moaning about it
> reduce 1.5 million to 600k
Posted 12 years ago
Also Yukarin & Baby_Wolf are playing it. Erik doesn't consider them people...
Posted 12 years ago
KAM wrote on Tue, 26 June 2012 06:27 half as much effort.

I don't think anyone here wants to spend 12 hours a day monitoring the amount of hoes one has plus, you are always jewing the whole thing. Also, I basically gave up on the game, it isn't sustainable for the community. There is a low number of players, who use one account, and there is one who spends all day just making 30+ accounts to outdo the other two. I think its impossible to keep it going. The only short term "solution" would be to decrease the incentive, which is basically the number of crowns.

KAM wrote on Tue, 26 June 2012 06:27Anyone can be an asshat and go on hoehouse and use x alt, mash work, hurp a durp, mixed with a little abbalabba and a heydehey and presto! Kam has no crowns. ever.

What the fuck did I just read

KAM wrote on Tue, 26 June 2012 06:27Also Yukarin & Baby_Wolf are playing it. Erik doesn't consider them people...

The trap, the fat and the jew.

Posted 12 years ago
Lowering the crown benefit will only shoo away the other players.
12 hours a day? When I accuse people of crap, I don't make up ironman numbers.
Case closed.
Posted 12 years ago
My bad, 24 then

also, I don't think you can shoo away the 2 that are playing the game right now, the rest of the people who play that game are gone already.
Posted 12 years ago
i just opened hoehouse for the first time in over a year and it really is filled with kamalts
and the entire helpfile is "MISSING CONTENT"
i have no idea where the work button is it used to be so obvious
[edit]scratch that i found it and now i'm first on the leaderboard woo
Posted 12 years ago
erik's proposal makes too much sense to work
Posted 12 years ago
"Hi my name is littlewhiny12yearold, and I don't want to play hoehouse, so give less awards to people who play, wahhhhh"
Posted 12 years ago
KAM wrote on Tue, 26 June 2012 19:05"Hi my name is littlewhiny12yearold, and I don't want to play hoehouse, so give less awards to people who play, wahhhhh"

hi im the stupid faggot kam I abuse this game and break it regularly to get me many levels on the internet website, I am very defensive about changing how it works at all because I must be the only one to abuse it
Posted 12 years ago
im all for nerfing the hoehouse

maybe people will shut up about it then

probably not
Posted 12 years ago
No, cuz nerfing it doesn't solve the problem. This thread is exquisitely for people who actually played the game and understand how the game works.

The only reason "people" are bitching about anything is when the kam does something for a benefit. As soon as the anti-kam clan sees kam benefitting from anything, they rise to claim shenanigans, for if it were themselves benefitting, they would throw lols and brag about it.

~Geez Louise, play the game and enjoy the competition, don't get so mad for having to try, pfft.
Posted 12 years ago
KAM wrote on Wed, 27 June 2012 00:58No, cuz nerfing it doesn't solve the problem.
yes it does you're just retarded
Posted 12 years ago
The game works fine. I'm fine with Hoehouse existing. I'm not fine with Kam using undocumented and undisclosed methods to trick the server into doing things it should not do. Like give him 500 hoes and 20 houses from 300EN

Kams response as I see it is "lern 2 play." Kam's not going to win by normal methods, even with alts he fails to succeed to any respectable degree when another player with equal footing faces him.

The community brought this upon them selves. Hoehouse is modeled after a fairly balanced game and the incessant requests of the player base has made it into a mess. Everyone that requested changes in the past has made this what it is.
Posted 12 years ago
Let the game exist, but with less crowns. Thats all I ask for.
Posted 12 years ago
By the way, he is also jew'ing shadow. Last minute switch by baby_wolf could have only been triggered by kam. Check IP shadow logins, you'll see what I'm talking about.
Posted 12 years ago
KAM wrote on Tue, 26 June 2012 16:58As soon as the anti-kam clan sees kam benefitting from anything, they rise to claim shenanigans

im not anti-anyone here, and it's extreme to just divide people into two groups like that.

i just don't like that someone who has figured out how to bypass certain restrictions placed on players, using loopholes and multiple accounts to get ahead, can monopolize the tv when people don't want them to. i might not play hoehouse, but i use the tv.

its annoying when anyone does it, not just you in particular. that's why i want the crowns nerfed.

then then another argument would appear about getting it increased back to 10, or at least 7 or, 8 or fuckitall

cheating in hoehouse should stay in hoehouse, not boil over and ruin the tv for everyone but the cheaters.
Posted 12 years ago
You fail to realize it's not hoehouse that's nerfing the tv room. I have near-always been at max +10 crowns from zeegrind, puzzle games, etc.

I will say this, if someone is a giant jerk to me, I will rob said jerk's crown/s.
If you'd like to stop by the brotherhood thread, chime in and I will circulate the awesomeness, that is if you're not a poopiehead.

Athens often overlooks things.. thinks his "calculations" are unbeatable, and while we all can judge on results, I am rarely able to remember hoe house exists, such that I log into it, realizing I lost energy from waiting too long for recharge. This might happen to you because asdfninjacatHindenbergs...

p.s: Envsan, there's so many people who don't even vote on a video. However, were you around during all those times when Piclownjew was posted and it was locked for 1500 seconds? Or when Starfox got something stuck in his ass and that was locked for 2000 seconds? You should've been around when I was level 42, I barely posted a video or used my yay, but only to sux an obvious blunder-filled video else I'd leave.

edit: overpowered? invoke punch, another equalizer.
edit2: speaking of cheating, nice "vesting"
Posted 12 years ago
you were level 42 for about 3 hours

another hour and who knows what would happen....
Posted 12 years ago
kam, what i wasn't here for is irrelevant. what i was here for, recently, was you posting unanimously undesired videos and forcing others to watch them by yaying with crowns. i don't care about the past, or what i missed; this is the kind of behavior my opinions have been formed by. i respect that there should be a reward for winning in hoehouse. i do not think the reward should be as great as it is. that is all.

and please don't just sling accusations at me because you dont like what i have to say. my vesting is also completely unrelated to the issue of hoehouse crowns. i vested while it was broken for me, and the gods fixed it later.
i didn't make a fuckton of accounts and pull internet trickery with ip addresses and third party programs or whatever it is you do on hoehouse. i interacted with the site using one account, vesting only as the site allowed me to, without bending any rules whatsoever.
Posted 12 years ago
my desire to see hoehouse crowns reduced is not a desire to see you, or any other users, drawn and quartered.

Posted 12 years ago
houston we have a problem;

there is a level-headed user on wetgenes
Posted 12 years ago
Richie wrote on Thu, 28 June 2012 01:24houston we have a problem;

there is a level-headed user on wetgenes


false alarm
Posted 12 years ago
Again with the avoiding the issue, Kam. It's not an issue that you have the crowns, the problem is there are no users around with comparable crowns to counter you if you want to make a "blunder post full of fail". While there WAS a tool for doing this your recent discoveries have created a gap between yourself and others that can't be overcome without performing questionable acts or using the system legitimately through a time consuming alternate account bombardment of whatever names you intend to keep playing with. We've discussed before why no one is going to spend disproportionate amounts of their precious time to counteract your actions which only take you a few minutes to fulfill. It takes longer to create than it does to destroy.

Watching "Hoff" or "ORSON WELLES NEEDS MOAR WENCHES AND MEAD " for hours on end is not something I want to deal with in public or private from Baby_wolfs fat-addled-teenage brain or your twitchy-autistic-ADD outbursts.

TDLR: Kam cheats but says it's okay because there is a time consuming way to stop him. Reg Hoff and Winches and mead are horrible videos.
Posted 12 years ago
Envsan wrote on Thu, 28 June 2012 03:19kam, what i wasn't here for is irrelevant. what i was here for, recently, was you posting unanimously undesired videos and forcing others to watch them by yaying with crowns.

except people were yayying my videos, and some people's sux powers killed some off, stfu asshole.
Posted 12 years ago
Athens wrote on Wed, 27 June 2012 22:56...Baby_wolfs fat-addled-teenage brain or your twitchy-autistic-ADD outbursts

athens insults are best insults
Posted 12 years ago
If you can't beat 'em, call 'em a cheater, it'll make a whiner less mad.

Athens wrote on Thu, 28 June 2012 04:56 the problem is there are no users around with comparable crowns to counter you if you want to make a "blunder post full of fail".
Level 23*2= 46. that's like 2-3 people's tv sux to offset it. You want crowns? Go play THE OTHER GAMES for them.
Posted 12 years ago
Holy shit athens, that comment was glorious. Hat goes off to you.

Anyways, at the end of the day, the decision will last on XIX. He needs to understand the urgency of this situation. Kam and hoe house crowns are the main reason why we cant have nice things on wetgenes.

I really don't think there's a solution as far as Kam's problem, but I highly believe that a reduction of crowns to hoe house possible award is the ultimate solution to the problem we are faced today with.
Posted 12 years ago
All Erik ever does is formulate bullcrap to go anti-kam voyaging; Erik doesn't care about wetgenes, he only exists to piss people off he hates. Forum banning people ridiculing game design exercises the benevolence of said thing as designed. Anyone who wishes unwellness of concept due to, in this case, rival's participation is everything subject to Paramedic and Taokaka's twibbledeehee subjugation.
Posted 12 years ago
Envsan wrote on Thu, 28 June 2012 03:19 recently, was you posting unanimously undesired videos and forcing others to watch them by yaying with crowns. this is the kind of behavior my opinions have been formed by.

Have you met my good buddy Yukarin? Case closed.
Posted 12 years ago
also kam if you were smarter you'd grab people off other sites and bring them here for us to fuck with
Posted 12 years ago
Kam just stop coming here you dumbshit
Posted 12 years ago
You kiddin'? They dumped him here from pogo.com
Posted 12 years ago
Erik_Revolution wrote on Thu, 28 June 2012 18:36blah blah kam sucks blah blah blah everything he says sucks cuz he's so totally jew, trololo I negate everything he says to make him mad while not contributing shit, lololollllllll
Posted 12 years ago
oh looks like xix is changing hoehouse bits. also, i thought baby wolf is kam now.
Posted 12 years ago
nobody likes kam
Posted 12 years ago
KAM wrote on Wed, 27 June 2012 20:05Envsan wrote on Thu, 28 June 2012 03:19kam, what i wasn't here for is irrelevant. what i was here for, recently, was you posting unanimously undesired videos and forcing others to watch them by yaying with crowns.

except people were yayying my videos, and some people's sux powers killed some off, stfu asshole.

Except they weren't yaying them, they were suxing them. Some horrible videos of some game critic or something.
Don't think you can tell me what I experienced. I was there.

KAM wrote on Thu, 28 June 2012 04:38Envsan wrote on Thu, 28 June 2012 03:19 recently, was you posting unanimously undesired videos and forcing others to watch them by yaying with crowns. this is the kind of behavior my opinions have been formed by.

Have you met my good buddy Yukarin? Case closed.

Case closed.

Yukarin does things on the tv, so the case of hoehouse crowns is closed.

Fucking what.

Kam, just picking individual arguments to retort, one by one, without addressing the overarching issue is infantile.
Posted 12 years ago
Envsan a noob. Many people over level 20 post videos and self-yay it.

While taking away hoehouse crowns seems good for balancing power at the risk of demotivation, try going about it in a different way.

You knew for every 1/10th of the leader's score, was a crown. Of course having an insane leader score killed off opposition, and NO AMOUNT OF NERFING would fix this.

Why not just revert back to 9 crowns for 2nd place, 8 crowns for third place etc? It won't matter how good the leader is, except just to be the leader.
Posted 12 years ago
No kam, what is done, IS DONE.
Posted 12 years ago
FUCK YEAH MVP reverse psychology! MLG PRO STATUS!
Posted 12 years ago
haha, nice one
Posted 12 years ago
reminds me of how magnus usually hoards crowns then locks up either little girls or some horrible fucking metal music and there's nothing anyone can do about it
Posted 12 years ago
traces wrote on Fri, 29 June 2012 13:45reminds me of how magnus usually hoards crowns then locks up either little girls or some horrible fucking metal music and there's nothing anyone can do about it

I hate traces but this is very true
Posted 12 years ago
traces wrote on Fri, 29 June 2012 08:45reminds me of how magnus usually hoards crowns then locks up either little girls or some horrible fucking metal music and there's nothing anyone can do about it

Everyone is guilty of this sort of thing although I prefer Magnus' videos over piclownjew which has been yayed by you and 3 of your friends.

The timelock isn't even an issue when the lock is that high because anyone that doesn't like it will have left before the end of the timelock. Well usually...

I mean, the only real fair way of doing this is by reducing the amount of timelock that every level adds and putting a cap on the maximum amount of time that a video can be locked.

I could also easily multiaccount and self yay my videos as I'm sure at least a few other users here can do too. There would have to be a set cap for all videos regardless of the amount of Yays it recieved.
Posted 12 years ago
Anyone can punch or dis and make their own crowns to try to resolve the issue of "omg it's so locked forever" when it's only maybe a minute or two of forced lock.

Because you know when you request others to help cancel a bad video, others just yay it.

Or skip the begging of other users and go straight to the gods.

Overlocking bad videos happens all the time, it actually makes guests mad and want to register to level up and detract the garbage.

But among already registered users, it is a hassle of which they should, oh I dunno, perform a task that nets you crowns? If you don't want to get crowns, don't bother bitching about nerfing a system THAT YOU DON'T INVOLVE YOURSELF IN.

Recap: Punching halves post, dissing obliterates post, earning crowns contributes...
but if you're going to multi cheat, you're welcoming numerous level 10 erik's all yayying a piclownjew for 10,000 seconds, thus private tv room is only viable option.
Posted 12 years ago
Didn't abusing the system or crowns used to get one mudded?
Posted 12 years ago
nah, xix used to type "/ban erik_revolution " then bash his head on the numpad and that's how long you'd be banned
Posted 12 years ago
sounds about right.
Posted 12 years ago
Can we do that then?
Posted 12 years ago
traces wrote on Mon, 02 July 2012 11:10nah, xix used to type "/ban erik_revolution " then bash his head on the numpad and that's how long you'd be banned

sounds manly
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