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Posted 12 years ago
Moderator of WetFart

desu_boku wrote on Thu, 23 August 2012 23:47My sister noticed that I'm still a mod on WetFart (She likes Audo's artwork). I was serious about not coming back here though I thought you'd have at least appointed a new moderator for the subforum. I'd say Audovoice would indeed be best for it, though asking the community for nominations and a vote might yeild better results if done properly.

Though I must say, I have missed this place in the time I spent homeless, I came back to a broken site. The only people who haven't changed are Traces, Erik and djbaker. And a good thing, too, as they're alright in my book, even if we've never seen eye to eye.

I'll not harp on about "the good old days", or say I regret all the ban wars and drama - I enjoyed every minute of it. But due to your and XIX's inaction and action in all the wrong places, the site took a major turn for the worse, and like many others before me, I'm taking my leave. Of course, nothing of value will be lost and there will always be someone to take the place as chief weeaboo artfag, though I wish there was something to stay for.

Also, Hoe-House sucks, KAM for permanent ban, bring back Rakiro and permaprotect public.tv etc. If you need anything, I've got you added on the book of faces.

See you, Space Cowboy.

Posted 12 years ago
Make me a moderator for all forum boards. I am firm but fair.
Posted 12 years ago
I agree with Audovoice being a wetfartmod, bringing back Rakiro, and perma-protecting public.tv on safe-day sundays.
Posted 12 years ago
all of a sudden kam knows who rakiro is

this place got a lot of potential back when xix fixed it so all videos play again this month
if we still had the portability we had with flash, or just a little bit of marketing, we could be at the top again
this place could easily draw a lot of people even in the state it's in just on the strength of being a place to share youtube videos
wetv was hurt a lot by youtube clenching its anus from 2009 onwards and removing just about everything worth watching
if you want a permaprotected tv rent your own goddamn room and do it there, where you can then moderate it yourself
the protect on public tv should be set to a max of 10k
anything bigger just promotes douchebaggery
Posted 12 years ago
There's an art subforum?

Wow there's an art subforum.
Posted 12 years ago
Where the fuck is djbaker.
Posted 12 years ago
got some bad news for you traces, there is a chance the flash tv player (including the one in ville) is going to stop working on 15th of october...

Google plans to kill the api we've been using, so it may just switch itself off.
Posted 12 years ago
About time you did something.
Posted 12 years ago
what the hell is keeping us from getting off the ground again
synchtube is shit but it has a lot more people than we do
we have grown a lot this month peoplewise so maybe all it takes is time
Posted 12 years ago
time has always been our plan. it takes a shit ton of marketing. and money. and advertising. and marketing. and funding. and playing balls with journlolists. we don't do any of that shit.

synchtube has users that invite their friends. we have users that complain when their friends turn up.

if you want more people here, get them here.
Posted 12 years ago
Word of mouth is good marketing. Traces may be asking for something nice to talk about.
The places no one talks about are good places either way.
Posted 12 years ago
Traces seems to think the website itself is what keeps new users away.

Having personally invited many friends to come "check out the tv," I can safely tell you, it's not the website.
Posted 12 years ago
aye, it's one of those catch-22 situations.

i'm pretty sure newfags getting piclownjewed or banned to death as a welcoming party isn't a method to keeping them around but i guess that's the compromise with the system we have. hard bit being limiting the douchebags being douchebags without ruining the fun for others. it's that action/inaction thing desu says that "killed" the site.

one thing's for sure ~ if i see desu_boku online, i'm going to ban the shit out of him ^o^ same goes with anyone else who writes extravagant farewell posts.
Posted 12 years ago
the current group of users on wetgenes seems to be a bit kinder to guests/newpeople

prehaps there is hope yet
Posted 12 years ago
yeah the current group is great
combined with a tv where everything plays, only direction we're going is up

can we get a way to invite people to a private tv room with new tv
like a url that leads to a room kinda like you had with #traces.tv
i think if we had that it could set off
Posted 12 years ago
My gawd, how much are they charging you?
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