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Posted 11 years ago
The knowing of you forwarding this to f*mails has nothing to do with it the fact

KAM wrote on Sun, 14 October 2012 06:33So yeah I vacate the premises because Erik is a tyrant who bans me on sight, and I come back and he's just as bad as ever. While a lot of people wish to say their hellos and watch tv with me, I can't do anything about it because:

A: I'm still dummed

B: He is always there, like the fatass xix says he is 24/7, holding a grudge on me for over 2 years.

It is because people like Erik get away with free abuse, that makes me feel I can tell people however they want to freely abuse...You can dum and mud erik all you want, but he will NEVER EVER stop banning me with any of his alternate accounts on diff IP addresses.

Everytime you have mudded or dummed Erik, you really have never actually done anything to him, but merely fuel his ego while eluding the penalty and Ip-switch with diff account and still do the same crap. This happened all the time with FISH and I'm sure FISH's leaving had a lot to do with him having to have a banwar against a cheater.

Erik is a child who needs his wet-email changed, his password changed and given to me. Then you can give the account he hates the most (Erika_Revolution) to him. It's the only thing that will have ever penalized him
Posted 11 years ago
KAM wrote on Sun, 14 October 2012 06:33So yeah I vacate the premises...
Posted 11 years ago
i thought you weren't dummed anymore. can people remember to tell me if you've been dummed or mudded for an extortionate amount of time so we can undo it? thanks.

also, you shouldn't be dummed anymore.
Posted 11 years ago
Shi, erik really is being an asshole lately. I reasoned with blox and kite to stop banning me, and after repeated attempts to work with erik, comply and submit to him, I am still banned onsite no matter waht actions I take.



I should be able to enjoy the site without being harrassed by unreasonable and obviously butthurt people.

Erik was good for a while, but he's getting too comfortable. Without a kam to attack, he focuses all his attention on me. It's obvious that erik will always have an obsessive compulsive need to ban someone.
Posted 11 years ago
that stretch
Posted 11 years ago
jtab wrote on Mon, 15 October 2012 13:42

Erik was good for a while...

You've been here 2 months.
Posted 11 years ago
I would ban Jtab, he's intentionally annoying like a smart-assed teenager riding the fine line between an ass-beating and being beaten-to-death.
Posted 11 years ago
Athens wrote on Mon, 15 October 2012 20:36I would ban Jtab, he's intentionally annoying like a smart-assed teenager riding the fine line between an ass-beating and being beaten-to-death.

GET OFF MY LAWN damn kids
Posted 11 years ago
Richie wrote on Sun, 14 October 2012 14:20KAM wrote on Sun, 14 October 2012 06:33So yeah I vacate the premises...

The same thing happened to a guy I was dating. I banged him still because he was very strong. Muscles ok???
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