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Posted 11 years ago
Please do not post on fuckmails!

Erik_Revolution wrote on Sat, 26 January 2013 00:33
Hello shi,

Here I am another year another complaint. So, traces has been banning jellybean for a week, which is totally fine because the system allows it. Now, a ban only lasts a few hours to a couple of minutes if you have the cookies. As a result, jellybean turned out for help in the wrong side.

She asked kam to help her out to get back at traces. Instead, kam mudded -1000 days jellybean with using telnet and one of his alts. Now, usually new users get introduced and shown off the system. Jelly did have the proper intro, however I found this to be very abusive and non funny. I would usually ask you to mud kam with all your powers and ban him from the site forever and ever.

Not today

I'm asking for a way that Jellybean gets the mud removed and wiped from existence. I'll find a way to protect her account from getting banned.

I know you'll do the opposite of the title,


Posted 11 years ago
How is anyone 'sposed to learn anything if there are no consequences?

To give other people your password is to create problems and in wetgenes we have a saying "Why problem make when you no problem have you don't want to make?"

They need to change their IP and make a new account, then we must never talk of this again.
Posted 11 years ago
Its not that easy to switch IP's here in Texas at least. I heard canadians have it easier.
Posted 11 years ago
It has nothing to do with your geographic location, just depends on who you are paying for the internets and how they have things setup.

I think it is very unlikely that every ISP in Texas gives each customer has a fully allocated static IP.
Posted 11 years ago
Well, the ISP might not even be her choice. She lives in a complex where traces was also connected at some point in time. Landlords hire the companies and they most of the time get the cheap time warner cable package which doesn't let you change your IP, I even called them once to confirm. You are asking someone to move out of their apartment and find a new one just to enjoy a cool night with the wetv people...

I do not think its reasonable, however I'll let this be an open debate, since thats the point of sending an email and getting it posted on fuckmails.
Posted 11 years ago
first off, thanks for stickin up for me erik! you're a sweet friend
XIX, i live in the same student housing units as traces & have no way of changing my IP. tried to use a proxy but wetv won't load on it :/ i am moving next semester, but till then have no way of separating my IP from traces. i don't even know why KAM mudded him in the first place. it's not terribly important, just more of an annoyance. i wish everybody well, happy weekend
Posted 11 years ago
Forced to share IPs with traces, is a different problem that is not only unrelated to everything said up to this point but also seems to be the real problem.

I'm not sure that one is actually fixable within this reality.

About the only thing I could do is make them immune to mud, which seems a tad excessive. Especially when at this point I'm not even convinced that they are not traces.
Posted 11 years ago
Traces abusing users as usual. Options?

If muds are lifted then Traces could be dummed, won't work 100%

-Jellybean could find a way to work around the IP like traces easily does.

-funk swearbox, have Jellybean hold 300,000 or so cookies in highly protected public.tv

Or you can anoint Jellybean in public.tv. (lol, like that'd ever happen)

All options considered, Jellybean is pretty much on her own...

Or you know, Traces could stop being an asshole... because that happens... right?
Posted 11 years ago
Fuck you Kam, get the fuck out of here already. Nobody listens to the twisted mibnded useless solutions. I read the first sentence and noticed the username then I quickly stopped reading.
Posted 11 years ago
KAM wrote on Sat, 26 January 2013 03:47Traces abusing users as usual. Options?

If muds are lifted then Traces could be dummed, won't work 100%

-Jellybean could find a way to work around the IP like traces easily does.

-funk swearbox, have Jellybean hold 300,000 or so cookies in highly protected public.tv

Or you can anoint Jellybean in public.tv. (lol, like that'd ever happen)

All options considered, Jellybean is pretty much on her own...

Or you know, Traces could stop being an asshole... because that happens... right?

What the fuck?
Posted 11 years ago
mudds suck :/
can't we all just get along?
Posted 11 years ago
oh! so that's what happened.

traces got mad at jellybean. jellybean ask kam for help. kam thunderdome traces.
except, jellybean is also traces. so now, jellybean is also mudded.

the original story is missing a few details there. at least, from what i've read anyways.
Posted 11 years ago
Posted 11 years ago
kam didn't thunderdome me though
kam went "hey traces something interesting just happened in chat"
and i logged in and i was mudded
i'm gonna go ahead and assume it was an exploit

but yeah xix if you wanna make me immune to muds while still being able to pass it to other people, i'd be cool with that
Posted 11 years ago
i'd like to be immune from traces banning me. every time i login he bans, like instantly. for no reason. i'm tired of fighting guys, let's just get along, this is pointless. i understand that you hate me, traces. let it go so life can move on! stop banning. i have friends here too and enjoy the chat very much, i don't want to do this anymore. srsly. stop please for the love of god.
Posted 11 years ago
well you already got both of us mudded for a thousand days through kam
wonder what else you'll fuck up
Posted 11 years ago
traces wrote on Mon, 28 January 2013 00:10kam didn't thunderdome me though
kam went "hey traces something interesting just happened in chat"
and i logged in and i was mudded
i'm gonna go ahead and assume it was an exploit

when he said that, who were you logged in as?
Posted 11 years ago
we were on skype and i went and logged in as traces
Posted 11 years ago
the only reason i went to kam for protection in the first place was because of your senseless banning. i'm at peace and hope you can be too.
shi, if you need any other information or want to discuss things my skype is amm093 or you can just message me on here. hope we can put this all behind us
Posted 11 years ago
And to think people said we would not have drama once jtab was dealt with.
Posted 11 years ago
who even said that
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