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Posted 11 years ago
A simple Question

Zeeky4 wrote on Tue, 12 February 2013 06:13i was wondering if there was any way of getting a mud reversed. i was tricked into sharing pants with traces, and have an absurd mud because of it. i was wondering if there was anything that could be done about this. I called my ISP, and resetting my IP is out of the question. As it stands, if i don't log into a proxied telnet, i can't log in without 900 something mud. if you could get back to me on this soon, i would be very grateful. thank you and have a nice day.
Posted 11 years ago
"tricked" is kind of a stretch
i've tricked people into muds before
you just kinda leapt at my pants
said something about trying to make a mud account and messing up
Posted 11 years ago
No, however I am considering limiting the maximud to 100days...
Posted 11 years ago
reg ban Zeeky4
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