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Posted 11 years ago
About macros

DROSS wrote on Sun, 31 March 2013 07:38Hello,

Sorry for the bother, but I wasn't sure if this merited it's own thread and I couldn't find any modern dayt mention of it by either of you or XiX.

I know telnet can be used to input multipe lines of text at once, but would that count as using a macro? Specifically someone has been using telnet with an account named Nightwing for the dedicated reason to ban me. Whenever I fight back, they begin ambushing rooms with what seems to be a manual abandon followed by two faster then manual/almost simultaneous entries to dis/ban me.

Thanks for your time~

you can actually recall previous commands by using the up arrow. you can do this even on the non-telnet clients apart from the old, ugly flash version.
Posted 11 years ago
Werent macros prohibited a long time ago? Yet, that rule was only implemented when the gods were in the presence of the action I believe.
Posted 11 years ago
we frown on macro spam

However it is not however possible for us (or anyone) to work out if an action was performed by a conscious human clicking a button or a computer clicking a button.

Excessive spam is dealt with, that's pretty much all we can do.

If you are interested in history then I suggest some research on how PVP combat within Muds evolved into rather dull macro fights.

The sort of macros you are complaining of here are actually simple in comparison and not even much of an advantage.

Posted 11 years ago
telnet events aren't exactly macros, and they're case-sensitive. Generally if it's set to go off after a command is inputted, you can just use one or two capital letters and be avoidant. This is also why im guessing that there are multiple commands for the same thing (i.e reg cookie and reg cookies, or cthulhu cookie and cthulhu cookies). Really even beyond that it all depends on their internet speed and if it's in a list of commands one can usually get past by ctrl+v'ing faster. i mean macros are useless against anyone with half a brain.
Posted 11 years ago
Zeeky4 wrote on Sun, 31 March 2013 22:27i mean macros are useless against anyone with half a brain.

you weren't there man
i've seen some shit man
Posted 11 years ago
[3:55:45]Big_Al: reg abandon
[3:55:45]reg: public.tv is not protected
[3:55:48]Big_Al: reg protect 101
[3:55:48]reg: I will protect the room for 2 minutes
[3:55:49]**DROSS invokes punch Big_Al**
[3:55:49]**DROSS calls cthulhu to gag Big_Al**
[3:55:49]**DROSS invokes slap Big_Al**
[3:55:49]**DROSS calls cthulhu to ban Big_Al

a classic example of fail.
All auto-counters have a way to fail, cause yourself spambanned etc
manual entries take as much time as if you were to type it out, if not longer
When you gimp someone, you don't need macros.
And the obstacles of (h) users blocking punches and chavs
and the room protects
and the tag
and the funked rooms tripping your invoke combo
and the bff thing
and the what room did he go
and the which alt did he log in now
and oh look, another user is messing me up now
Posted 11 years ago
Basically Kam typed nothing up there.
Posted 11 years ago
Basically Kam typed macros get janked
Posted 11 years ago
what you guys don't realize is that kam could do MUCH worse. MUCH worse. i mean all of his alts combined is almost a 2 hour lock on TV. now imagine the damage he could do if he really applied himself. you guys don't seem to get that he's harmless compared to what he could do
Posted 11 years ago
implying he doesn't already do that by crownwhoring and locking up bad videos
Posted 11 years ago
lets add fuel to the fire by making me level 42 again.

It's quite awesome to have the potential and never use it, very often the case in a game of chess or North Korea

My 2 hour video locked video is often liked, and I'm the one who immediately suxes the tarbosh.

On a day of let's see who can outyay the other in a room of 30 people, the majority voting total exceeds more than twice all my alts combined
Posted 11 years ago
I won't be there because Crayola dick wants to ban me. Jew.
Posted 11 years ago
crayola dick?
Posted 11 years ago
zeeky why are you so new
Posted 11 years ago
i can't help it
Posted 11 years ago
stap it
Posted 11 years ago
Wouldn't fights be more dynamic, natural and entertaining if there was a degree of cool down between commands?

What if reg abandon took a few seconds to dissipate?

Facerolling telnet wifi macros on you're gui interface keyboard irc browser proxy app with botnet rickroll trojans would become a thing of the past maybe a little
Posted 11 years ago
nobody besides kam even fights anymore
Posted 11 years ago
I thought fighting left with Lana
Posted 11 years ago
Came back with Kam's reappearance apparently. Imagine an unemployed script kiddie with internet, thats Kam.
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