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Posted 10 years ago
hi please do something about this

Darkaruki wrote on Fri, 18 April 2014 08:17KAM and DROSS are using like 10 alts combined to make hoehouse impossible to play in response to me using 3 accounts to try to stand up to their 4 accounts because it gives them an insane amount of crowns for almost no effort once they make everyone else who's in the match useless after a day or two because they can make them have zero hoes, houses, and bros and then the disparity between them and every other player is so large that the other players are basically completely unable to play the game.

Also, if you check WetLogs http://wetlogs.blogspot.ca/2014_04_01_archive.html
it is very clear that DROSS and KAM are using the ban/gag functions the most by far nearly every day, and some days are the actually the only users using these functions, because hardly anyone does anything in the chat to cause dispute besides them, and all they do is ban people from the chat in between harassing them all day.

So, as you can clearly see, they are using alternate accounts to cheat at a game you created to earn crowns which they then use to abuse their powers by treating the website like it is theirs.

I have tried to get big groups going multiple times and have invited multiple friends to use the website, and even though they were actually really into it they pretty much just had their experience ruined by KAM and DROSS banning plenty of people, preventing me and some select others from posting almost any video, even though though they literally aren't even playing WetV, they don't care about the content, they just want to control others and enjoy feeling like they are controlling others' experiences.

You dummed me when I was banning too many people because at the time I was the loser who wanted to control the website, I think it's only fair if you ban the do something to punish the current king loser trying to control the website, especially considering I didn't even cheat in order to gain control.

Please stop ignoring this issue. I would greatly appreciate it if something was done.

Thank you for your time.

Posted 10 years ago

Easier than attempting to solve the problem?
Posted 10 years ago
no, this is what fuckmails is for - http://www.wetgenes.com/forum/index.php?t=msg&th=333&start=0&rid=14

i'll respond to it in a bit.
Posted 10 years ago
1 or 2 bans is nothing compared to the 50-100 that you were doing in the past.

also, get a room. public.tv is a cesspit and you don't have full control; host your own party at your own house.

hoehouse is a multi-alt game.

finally, get a room.
Posted 10 years ago
That's because it was different back then, it was something more akin to a duel where both parties were able to do things to eachother, and the level differences were small.

This is someone who is constantly ten or more levels higher because he is cheating on a game that rewards only the obsessed with an obscene amount of crowns for doing nothing besides publicly displaying how desperate they are for the ability to exert control over others in an online chat.

Bans are several hours long at least, and can require over ten thousand cookies, which I simply can't procure or can't be bothered to procure after already using up most of my cookie generating sources for that day.

Private TV rooms just make the game a dumb popularity contest, they don't work unless you're fish and three quarters of the active users are friends you invited yourself. Those who wish to remain neutral in the shenanigans involving DROSS and KAM are forced to be in a position where they must either reveal themselves to not be neutral, or split the community in half.

I'm not looking to sit in a tv room with 2 or 3 of my personal friends. It gets boring quite fast, I just want the community to be able to interact without being disrupted by control freaks.

I also didn't abuse alternate accounts to protect myself using my obscene quantity of unfairly aquired crowns making myself essentially one hundred percent invulnerable to anybody at all times.

Do you recall when Wetgenes was just about having the most alternate accounts, as bans weren't shared on IP's? Or when Wetgenes allowed users to bring the tag into their personal room and then lock their personal room? These were unfair, you were willing to suck up your pride and make a change to help improve the balance of the admin game when something was clearly unfair.

Sadly, this age of improving the system by repairing flaws being abused is gone, and what we're left with is the guy who's willing to sink the most time and abuse the most flaws in the system ruining the game for who he chooses.
Posted 10 years ago
Nobody thinks hoe house should give 5 crowns, plus 5 crowns for the last round, for the winner, as the winner is just whoever is willing to use the most alts to ruin the game for everyone who isn't them. It's not a good game.

I'm not even saying hoe house is horrible, I don't personally like it very much, but perhaps some would consider playing hoe house and just enjoying the game if it didn't completely revolve around completely destroying the game in order to earn the maximum number of crowns.

I assume you and XIX believed that no users would be particularly interested in playing hoe house, and upon realizing this, added what you knew to be a blatantly illogical number of crowns for it, in order to incentivize users to play it when they would not otherwise have been inclined to.

And you've been very firm in this decision, despite the fact that nearly every user on the website has expressed to you that it is a bad decision. I would argue that by having the game be played in this way you're actually taking away hoe house, because the work you put into the game is meaningless when the game is being treated like a disgusting cess pool of psychopaths trying to one-up eachother in order to gain control. Few join hoe house simply to play the game as it was designed.

Even KAM, who's currently the one abusing hoehouse to its' maximum potential at the moment made a post on the hoehouse saying that the game was idiotic and gave too many crowns and was being used exclusively by people using as many alternate accounts as needed to guarantee their victory, for no reason besides to obtain crowns.

Many users have gone as far as to say that, despite the fact that crowns were primarily a negative change since their inception, hoe house is what brought it completely overboard.

Despite the fact that Erik, at one point, abused hoe house as well, he has publicly stated many times that he feels the exact same way about it.

Why keep it that way? Nobody wants it to be this way. You are appealing to literally nobody. Nobody thinks you are making a good decision. Get over yourselves and learn when to admit you've made a mistake.
Posted 10 years ago

Look at this great collage.

And, oh hey, you're publicly inviting people to help solve the problem that is alts.

here's a solution, don't tolerate alt usage and punish players who are going beyond just obviously using alts, but are practically bragging about using alts.

This seemed to work pretty well with Shadow, never caught me or Miku using alts on that, did you? I think it happened once or twice that one of us used alts and it resulted in a crown of thorns.

How did you decide to give this crown of thorns? By receiving a report from a player informing you that another player was abusing alternate account use, and looking into it a bit and deciding that the player in question was, indeed, using alts and breaking the rules.

This wasn't very difficult and the great thing about it is that there was a clear message that using alts was not tolerated, and so it never really became a problem.

Simple problem, simple fix.
Posted 10 years ago
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Posted 10 years ago
The main argument of the offending parties seems to be for everyone else to start abusing alts in a similar way, alienating everyone not willing to put in the hours just to play dirty.
In a tennis match, the person who brings a gun to the court will win. Should everyone bring a gun to the court to even out the playing field, to completely alienate everyone not willing to use these techniques?

The problem with using rooms means that what little of a community WetGenes still represents would have to be even further segregated. This would be fine when inviting people you have had some relationship with beforehand, but when inviting random guests? Any generated influx of guests would need to be locked up in a private area. There's always fail.tv, but that doesn't showcase the functions of spew all too well.

Conflicts of old used to be playful, even amicable, and not enforced by folks with alts of an overpowered nature. Tag banning used to be the be-all, end-all of solutions, which usually marked the victory of defeat of one party, followed by some gloating after that's over and done with. But you can't even use that against DROSS, being BFF protected from an untouchable entity in a protected room, or KAM, who just stockpiles enough cookies to make it not worthwhile. In any case, you'll have lost the element of surprise against someone with enough cookies to remedy a gross of bans, and thus the luxury of lounging around in public.tv.

The only people interested in being tyrants are KAM and DROSS. You criticize them, you get banned. You refuse to accept their criticism of you, you get banned. Or possibly just punched and borked. This is the standard. People don't want to get into fights they have no chance of winning against relentless despots who hold long-time grudges, which is the reason there aren't that many bans. You either put up with it or get thrown out of the so-called public sphere of things.

Also, is it really necessary to use two separate accounts to make two comments on the same thread, just to increase the apparent opposition and dismissal of Darkaruki?
Posted 10 years ago
Was I not using Meaning today when I was gagged by darkaruki?

I was.

Anyways if everything darkaruki wanted happened, I'm sure kam would be one thousand fold more motivated to keep darkaruki from doing anything.

And about my using two accounts, it's just whichever I happen to be logged in as at the time. You should consider them to be the same account for all purposes outside of account management and my whims at the time.
Posted 10 years ago
Meaning wrote on Fri, 18 April 2014 22:25Was I not using Meaning today when I was gagged by darkaruki?

I was.

Anyways if everything darkaruki wanted happened, I'm sure kam would be one thousand fold more motivated to keep darkaruki from doing anything.

And about my using two accounts, it's just whichever I happen to be logged in as at the time. You should consider them to be the same account for all purposes outside of account management and my whims at the time.

I can not agree more with this handsome scamp. We are both in agreement that darkaruki is silly.

Half the time I don't see the edit button so I just add another comment. cat face 0 w0
Posted 10 years ago
this is kinda like coming back to an apartment you moved out of 4+ years ago because you decided it was shit and trying to move back in uninvited, all while bitching at the new tenants who have comfortably lived there for two and a half years
Posted 10 years ago
It's like moving out of Rome during its prime and coming back to a pile of rubble and some Mongolian-lookin' guy with a big, tattered hat scratching his rear end with a cross with a few of his friends around a campfire.
Posted 10 years ago
Xenon wrote on Sat, 19 April 2014 02:52It's like moving out of Rome during its prime and coming back to a pile of rubble and some Mongolian-lookin' guy with a big, tattered hat scratching his rear end with a cross with a few of his friends around a campfire.

lol no
Posted 10 years ago
i bore of this. all of you have one week to thunderdome or everyone gets banned.
Posted 10 years ago
shi wrote on Sat, 19 April 2014 20:23i bore of this. all of you have one week to thunderdome or everyone gets banned.

Anticipating this I have already taken the liberty of thunderdoming big_al.

Posted 10 years ago
I thunderdomed xenon for one day and I think that's all that's needed in my humble opinion.

Now just for darkaruki to man up for the mess he's caused and meet kam on the field of battle.
Posted 10 years ago
1 day lol what a puss
Posted 10 years ago
I was drunk.
Posted 10 years ago
shi wrote on Sat, 19 April 2014 12:23i bore of this. all of you have one week to thunderdome or everyone gets banned.
Please elaborate further on this, there seems to be some confusion.

Posted 10 years ago
It is obvious, you caused a stench and have been told to resolve it by thunderdome. You spammed the forum for, like, a week and Shi said she was bored of it and that you shall thunderdome. KAM hasn't been indulging your topics with responses, but as he is the subject of all your tears and pleads, you know what she meant.

Take responsibility.

Posted 10 years ago
I cant thunderdome again due to a mud from a previous thunderdome, pls remove
Posted 10 years ago
Big_Al wrote on Mon, 21 April 2014 01:50I cant thunderdome again due to a mud from a previous thunderdome, pls remove

You Spaece man.
Posted 10 years ago
Some things never change.
Posted 10 years ago
welp, looks like it's time for a new era.
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