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Posted 10 years ago
BFF protection

We have KAM's cookie-hoarding alt, erika_revolution, logged in almost at all hours in a protected room, allowing his BFF DROSS to alienate whomever he chooses with impunity. Banhappy folks gon' keep any guests who aren't complete bootlickers out.

wtb nerf for neutrality

#wow #whoa
Posted 10 years ago
I'm rather offended by the allegation that I would ban a guest for not licking my boot. My first thought about guests is whether they are jtab or big_al.

But my second thought is, if they aren't being rascist or something similar, to help them. This is one of my highest priorities.

I don't think you're being honest here. You just want to nerf it because you don't like my taste and it takes a modicum of effort to ban me at the moment.

More over, besides jtab or big_al who have long forced my hand, I don't abuse the power this grants me. Did I not extend a peace branch to what the bonk when it became clear his retaliatory ban would not work?

Everything is going to be ok, Xenon.

Posted 10 years ago
Extending a peace branch as the aggressor, after the damage is done is false charity at best.
Your taste is dismissible in this argument, but you feel like you're fit to represent the entire community, doing so with an unmatched arrogance. Even if the fictional omnipotent beings of WetGenes were lesser people, this arrogance would be unfitting of them.

You silence others the moment you run into the slightest disagreement with them. If this is not abuse, what is it? Only when they display more than a modicum of persistence do you attempt any diplomacy. This is when any guest would have long forgotten the site in search of greener pastures.
Posted 10 years ago
After the damage? I can dispel you, I can heal you, I can even touch you. And did you know you can use cookies to be unbanned? I'm sorry, but I think you should turn the crocodile tears down a knotch.

Also you're greatly exxagerating my actions. Like, a lot. Who did I silence for disagreeing with me? I might bork them, everyone loves swedes. Bork bork bork
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