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Posted 11 years ago
Make Users Gain Levels For Account Age


will someone help me make code? the idea is having users gain 1 level in each clan per year of being here. maybe this can be implemented easily as crowns?


Posted 11 years ago
Tried it

didn't work

also people just traded old-old-old accounts

Posted 11 years ago
that is unfortunate
Posted 11 years ago
can we please try again?
Posted 11 years ago
How about for every year old you are, a +1 max banking level is added. Great, so you can finally get that base 16 that only magnus and autism friends can actually accomplish.

We're onto something, we're so close...
Posted 11 years ago
Posted 11 years ago
actually what did richie mean by someone help me make code, cuz athens can come out of nowhere and implement the gentoo algorithm
Posted 11 years ago
i can't code so i'm basically asking someone to do it for me.

anyway, i was talking to kam in chat and i think it would be responsibly used this time.

Posted 11 years ago

What if every month old the user is, the higher their health is in thunderdome?
each month adds 1 health
Posted 11 years ago
no, i stick to my original idea
Posted 11 years ago
it wont be used responsibly

How about no crown cap on ones furry birfday?

Then there would be 28 kams, a different one for each day of the lunar month.

(how would this be different to normal?)
Posted 11 years ago
May I remind everyone that I no longer have access to xxpxx's account, so my level 42 can no longer be done.
And Shi promised Desu_Boku that because of desu's shitty comic that the crown cap shall remain.

And desu left forever.

So what does this mean?

edit: I see, so on the furrybirfday, which happens out of nowhere, is the max obtainable crowns based on age of the user, or is it really limitless?
Posted 11 years ago
yeah desu is just a minority but vocal opinion that because he was "creative" and made an art and shi has much value on creating things and thus the law was made to desu's minority but vocal opinion.
Posted 11 years ago
but i still want 5 levels because 08-13
Posted 11 years ago
furry birfday is not out of nowhere, it is every 28days.

and no you cant have 1 level a year, sure it looks like it makes sense now but in 20 years time you will be over, over, over, leveled.

Posted 11 years ago
XIX wrote on Mon, 01 April 2013 22:59furry birfday is not out of nowhere, it is every 28days.

and no you cant have 1 level a year, sure it looks like it makes sense now but in 20 years time you will be over, over, over, leveled.

>furry birfday is not out of nowhere, it is every 28days.
furry bifday? is this your occult influences or something? i mean 28 days? come on! if anyone is schizo or has dabbled in the occult this has meaning.
>and no you cant have 1 level a year
why can't i have 1 level per year?
>sure it looks like it makes sense now but in 20 years time you will be over, over, over, leveled.
how so?
Posted 11 years ago
we better not still be here in 20 years
Posted 11 years ago
why not?
Posted 11 years ago
XIX wrote on Mon, 01 April 2013 22:43
no crown cap on ones furry birfday



I think it's time i'll get run over by a stapler
Posted 11 years ago
this thread has no bearing on me whatsoever. i just feel like contribootin'. so fuck all y'all
Posted 11 years ago
fuck all you all too
Posted 11 years ago
Can I have a crown for trolling kam so hard?
Posted 11 years ago
how bout every year that you are here you have 10 cookies added to each form that you can bank to them, so it wold mean someone here for 6 years can give reg 4060 cookies instead of just 4000. this number might be a bit low but just throwing the idea of increasing the banking ability by a little
Posted 11 years ago
Better off requesting OLD users LOGIN with >100 cookies you get when you FIRST SIGN IN.
Like another 100 a year.
The universal 4000 number would love to stay in place as the max banking, max room retaining+protection for most rooms.

This request would be denied simply because it doesn't matter
Posted 11 years ago
Having Kam heavily commenting in this thread does not help the topic at all.
Posted 11 years ago
the only use for cookies is unbanning yourself anyways
Posted 11 years ago
how about I add an OAP mode


you turn human and have the human level you would have if you had banked fully since joining


you cant use any invokes or bank on the same day that you wish to use OAP mode.
Posted 11 years ago
Erik_Revolution wrote on Tue, 02 April 2013 13:31Having Kam heavily commenting in this thread does not help the topic at all.
And what use are you to the forum at all? I thought so.
What does OAP stand for?
Posted 11 years ago
OAP is what britfags call oldfags.
Posted 11 years ago
lol fagnus and lunboks will cry if banking is made obsolete like that

also make it so the OAP can't protect a room
Posted 11 years ago
haha fuck yes OAP mode

i'm 100% for this
Posted 11 years ago
KAM wrote on Tue, 02 April 2013 14:04Erik_Revolution wrote on Tue, 02 April 2013 13:31Having Kam heavily commenting in this thread does not help the topic at all.
And what use are you to the forum at all? I thought so.
What does OAP stand for?

I've been actually helpful to the site, more than you at least. By the way, I was merely remarking that your presence in a thread that talks about more levels is kind of a bad thing since last time they implemented these rules you were the main reason why they are gone.
Posted 11 years ago
Erik does what, other than complaining?
I can only fathom OAP = OldAssPro

You can all have your oldfag human levels of doom, all I want is to have a zombie invoke that makes people talk in preset messages like "I love being a furry" and "Join the Nintendo Fun Club today", "I have aids", stuff like that.
I will make my own massive list of preset messages if this gets encouraged

Call it invoke dork or something
Posted 11 years ago
Old Ass Person
Posted 11 years ago
that would be old age pensioner. also, how do people remember things i did cause i can't.
Posted 11 years ago
reg invoke oap
Posted 11 years ago
OAP mode added, just reg oap

need to be one year old at least

vesting still stacks on top of a "full bank"

probably working
Posted 11 years ago
how do i de-oap
i bit a wolf and now i'm a wolf oap
Posted 11 years ago
you dont. ever
Posted 11 years ago
oap lasts all day, you may rehuman with a reg oap or as normal
Posted 11 years ago
I would also like to remind people that I do not think this works and it is a bad idea. I do not see any problem with how things are currently working and I don't think old accounts deserve any special treatment, they already have the advantages of banking after all.

This change was made primarily for fatass's among you who continually complain that we never ever do anything around here anymore.

In short, I expect to have to reverse or nerf this shorty when you realize that kam now has 100 level 17 accounts.
Posted 11 years ago
Slight tweak to the code, you must now manbank for a year rather than just be a year old before you can become an OAP that might help keep this under control a bit.
Posted 11 years ago
OAP is a faggot.
Posted 11 years ago
Posted 11 years ago
How many times can you OAP a year?
Posted 11 years ago
Posted 11 years ago
i care about wetgenes
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