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Posted 10 years ago
afk bffing

maybe to help with this afk bff protecting the bff doing the protecting should be danced into the room to protect, what do ya'll think?
Posted 10 years ago
also using gimp to get people into your private room,
also the fact that banning people from your private room also bans them outside of private rooms,
also gimp should be cured by dispel/heal by having the gimped user in the room, not the gimper in the room, as a gimper can sit in a private room or protected room.

also, fix WetV working as an .swf because almost all of our users came from /f/ or people from /f/ inviting friends, and we will never get more people from /f/ now.

also, mud KAM because he literally just bans everyone from public.tv except for DROSS and then pretends he doesn't do anything, and this sort of behavior has been publicly recorded for years, even DROSS, who currently degrades himself and speaks in broken english and pretends to be KAM to earn respect amongst KAM and his other suckups had shed light on the situation in a serious tone in the past, it's a shame it's become such a tool.

DROSS wrote on Tue, 26 March 2013 16:47KAM wrote on Tue, 26 March 2013 23:33I banned dross once because of dross/darkaruki shitposting.
If you want to make a federal case out of "hey look Im dross and im being an asshole! I can do whatever I want and kam cant do ANYTHING to me else he'll get dummed, so I can just la la la" by all means, go complain about unfair it is to not know how to defend yourself on wetgenes with things like falconpunches, tag+asbo combos leading to uncounterable room protects.

Go eat a dick. There's a reason why Big_Al challenged you to the 1000 day thunderdome.

I am more than happy to discuss this. Darkaruki was repeatedly posting the Chad Warden video and at least 4 individuals were yaying it. Kam took it upon himself to sux with both "starfalco" and "kam" then banned him and I for speaking out against this breach of democracy.

Don't get me wrong kam. I didn't ask nor intend to bring the question of mudding you again into play. I believe the current stance on that is that you are too proficient and willing to invest time/effort for that to be worthwhile.

The real reason I brought this up again is because of how preposterous your claim was that I (or any victim) had any chance of fighting you back.

I know I am to blame for not procuring the means to defeat you, just as I am to blame for not building a bridge to Russia, the former for which I would need to gain the ability and the willingness to begin telneting, using macros, building countless alts, learning to glitch ygor cookies to the mid six figures, and so on and so forth.

For you to suggest that you are on an even playing field is preposterous. The means for which would involve much more than technical and proprietary gains, but lapses in morality and good conscience. Do you dispute this with a yet to be seen reason? I am sorry if I haven't been this clear until now.

Posted 10 years ago
once all of these things are done people will start to come back and new users will arrive as well, as long as your website doesn't actually suck and you weren't just lucky to find the small unique group of people who enjoy it slightly.
Posted 10 years ago
even this guy, who most people seem to say is pretty insane, although I don't know anything about him at all, I assume it's true, had it right.

jtab wrote on Sat, 10 March 2012 06:57since kam's mud, he's made 50+ extra accounts. He also requests that people help talk to the gods to undum him, but also at the same time he refuses to acknowledge his misbehavior, saying he never bans people and is never a douchebag. Everyone else is though, according to him.

keep in mind this is from over two years ago, it's written as if it was written just today, because it's still completely true.

probably excluding 3-4 people who literally just suck his dick to avoid trouble or behave like him somewhat, or in other words behave like a complete moron at all times, even though he's clearly doing it on purpose considering he chooses not to at times, as part of some sort of mental disorder involving a lack of empathy and severe social dysfunction.

such as autism, or aspergers.
Posted 10 years ago
also make banning cost more cookies or something, and make protecting rooms cost more money for abandoning than it does for protecting, those would be good changes as well.
Posted 10 years ago
Lol, kam only banned you. Then he banned the guest he thought was you and was really your friend so close enough.

He banned other people because they didn't want him banning you, standard group fight.

It's only xenon, darkaroku, and desuboku that have a problem.
Posted 10 years ago
And although it's taken over a year for big_al and I to have reached our present point, I get the feeling you three will do to me what kam is doing to darkaruki if kam is punished for doing what he did to darkaruki.

Posted 10 years ago
Darkaruki wrote on Sat, 12 April 2014 14:33 Hey look im dorkarookie i think everything shouldbe changed to make my circumstance easier for me to cdeal with because even though i have drama with someone that has been around wetgenes for ages earned all the bs crowns, i think im entitled to be as powerful without being here for years or doing anything to try to win healp, if you dont agree with me ur using an ad Eminem attack

I saw you edit that.
Posted 10 years ago
kite wrote on Sat, 12 April 2014 12:40maybe to help with this afk bff protecting the bff doing the protecting should be danced into the room to protect, what do ya'll think?

That's a terrible idea, it would be like a like a free gimp.
Posted 10 years ago



I'm replying to this thread 500 times because darkaruki is doing it.
Posted 10 years ago
DROSS wrote on Sat, 12 April 2014 16:32And although it's taken over a year for big_al and I to have reached our present point, I get the feeling you three will do to me what kam is doing to darkaruki if kam is punished for doing what he did to darkaruki.

its a possibility as long as you are acting like a dipshit 24/7

kite wrote on Sat, 12 April 2014 12:40maybe to help with this afk bff protecting the bff doing the protecting should be danced into the room to protect, what do ya'll think?

wouldnt it just be simpler to have the bff only protect against invokes in the same room?
Posted 10 years ago
Could anyone remind me why bff protection is a problem? I'm the only one using it and I wouldn't hurta fly, unless the fly was big_al or jtab.
Posted 10 years ago
DROSS wrote on Sat, 12 April 2014 16:51Could anyone remind me why bff protection is a problem? I'm the only one using it and I wouldn't hurta fly, unless the fly was big_al or jtab.

color me shocked if it sounds like its a problem because of the way you're abusing it.

Posted 10 years ago
those unfair things should be fixed because when there were unfair things in the past they were always fixed, but these days they're just getting ignored because shi and XIX gave up on this website.

I would go as far as to say they've fixed hundreds of things me, Hatsune_Miku, traces, lunboks, Erik_Revolution, Tosi and everyone in between found to be slightly to moderately unfair and used, and in some cases abused.

These things are the exact sorts of things that would have been fixed in the past, they're just getting ignored these days, so I feel like making some posts of what comes to mind is beneficial.
Posted 10 years ago
Meaning wrote on Sat, 12 April 2014 08:27Lol, kam only banned you. Then he banned the guest he thought was you and was really your friend so close enough.

He banned other people because they didn't want him banning you, standard group fight.

It's only xenon, darkaroku, and desuboku that have a problem.
He wasn't a guest, he was a registered level 5 user (he banked once), and he's banned me and many other users since then many many times, often attempting to make the website unusuable and going to swearbox to harass banned users by talking down to them and spamming unfunny moronic things.

He banned everyone in .tv today except for DROSS and himself after people were slowly starting to get into the chat and enjoying themselves, and tried very hard to continue banning the few users who stayed, eventually driving everyone away.

This is a common occurance.
Posted 10 years ago
You say everyone, but it was only the people attacking him.

So nice try with the misdirection.

Later one people besides your cabal came on and KAM did kitty things with them.

Crustolio raped us in pokr and jellybean learned how to play basement.
Posted 10 years ago
I wasn't looking at the chat for like half an hour, I look back and I'm in swearbox and sometime between that desu sent me a message saying KAM banned everyone in public.tv in a fit of rage, I asked Xenon why we were in swearbox and he said the same thing.

how could I be 'attacking' someone while away from the keyboard?

also, I'm just going to assume you're perfectly aware of the fact that you're telling lies and you're just trying to waste my time so this is the last response I'm going to make for the time being.
Posted 10 years ago
Wow you don't even know what happened and are calling me a liar?

Check yoself before you wreck yourself, boy.
Posted 10 years ago
You think me saying you're attacking him is a lie because you were afk at the time?

How pedantic can you be. Obviously you are attacking him holistically even now, seeking punishment from on high and spamming like a mad communist to weaken him by way of rogue for your own personal gain.

Xenon and desu would hang out with kam before, you're causing problems.
Posted 10 years ago
I do not appreciate one speaking in my stead.

You're not going to call someone names if they're carrying a big stick behind their back. Seeing as KAM seems to be a detriment to the community as a whole, I chose to speak up, as others have done.

You, being protected by him, are inclined to speak in his favor, much like those against him are inclined to hold a less amicable stance.
Posted 10 years ago
ummm, world peas!
Posted 10 years ago
Admins stopped caring about power balance when they created hoe house. Not even worth arguing at this point in time, it will never change. That user who puts the most effort into building their wetgenes crowns will get the rewarded power. And we all know who the Unemployed New Yorker virgin who spends entire weeks on here is...No, not you dross, you're not from New York.

It is a lost cause, in my opinion.
Posted 10 years ago
Erik_Revolution wrote on Fri, 25 April 2014 06:34Admins stopped caring about power balance when they created hoe house. Not even worth arguing at this point in time, it will never change. That user who puts the most effort into building their wetgenes crowns will get the rewarded power. And we all know who the Unemployed New Yorker virgin who spends entire weeks on here is...No, not you dross, you're not from New York.

It is a lost cause, in my opinion.

I'm not unemployed or a virgin either, but I do spend most weekends at home these days.
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