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Posted 11 years ago
minor errors

audovoice: reg game wetbasment
**reg Click here to play rgbTD0 and win upto 16000 cookies!**
and it does take you to http://rgbtd0.wetgenes.com/

This is clearly just something missmatched. An array I am guessing but what do I know.

And I still say the color changing is a bit messed up.

Wjoliste: reg color 003366
reg: Testing color #0191ff this color will cost 18904 cookies. To apply this color type reg color 0191ff 18904

if they type reg color 0191ff 18904 it will not work because it will try to give them some other color that does not cost 18904 cookies. They need to type reg color 003366 18904 which is just not clear to new users when they show up once in a blue moon and are not actualy Kam for once.

Also while I am at it it would be nice if there was a link to the games page somewhere, the forum and tv can be got to from the main page and you can then click on shadow from the forum but this is kind of round about. Just saying. And it probably would be nice to have a link to the main page from the forum too. As you can get to the forum by the tv and may never have seen the main page as can happen with new users sometimes, especialy if they were using the flash version which does not happen much anymore.

But I know you are probably messing with a lot of things now, I am guessing the game page is probably being updated since you updated the main page too.
Posted 11 years ago
used to be the higher level your account the more colors available to you so it would defer you to crappier colors if you were a low level
i'm not sure if it still works that way
Posted 11 years ago
what traces said.

also, yes, thanks. links do need tightening up on level 3 on all the sites we have. it's just we have a lot of sites build up over a number of years and we are currently on a major site/system/network rehaul so you will see changes coming in slowly but surely over the next few months.

you should get all the links to the games on http://play.4lfa.com/ and i'll add shadow/hoehouse to that as well.
and possibly all other sites i can think of.
Posted 11 years ago
Typing "reg game" with an invalid argument (like "basment" instead of "basement") gives you a random link to a game, as if you just typed "reg game".
Posted 11 years ago
Chat doesn't support every single color in the Hex so it will defer to a similar color of what you requested if it's not available.
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