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Posted 9 years ago
Dross hast he power to call cthulhu and use invokes, except he is a complete newfag and whines about it. Welcome to wetgenes. "BAWWWWWW I'M MAD FOR BEING BANNED" >does not request a "dum"
Posted 9 years ago
Dross has been a complete whiny spammy 12 year old lately, more or less over dumb crap. Less problems result from shutting dross the f* up and show him the true wetgenes. So many users rekt in diff ways, then they whine, then get rekt more. You should all either join the lols or do what you've all been doing and say lol-rekt and not even.

Posted 9 years ago
So everyone thinks you're an abusive nuisance because I don't play by your rules?
Posted 9 years ago
So everyone thinks you're an abusive nuisance because I don't play by your rules?
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