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Posted 11 years ago
Posted 11 years ago
i support this video. may it claim my first born.
Posted 11 years ago
can we make this a blip?
Posted 11 years ago
oh, i thought that was a blip already. i shall poke the blipmon to add that in, thanks!
Posted 11 years ago
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Yfv7gtcNhx8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

this one might be nice too
Posted 11 years ago
I said paste the youtube url only, not the html youtube is providing you for embed vids.
Posted 11 years ago
jellybean wrote on Sat, 19 January 2013 10:18<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Yfv7gtcNhx8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

this one might be nice too

I love how HUGE that link makes the video.
Posted 11 years ago
I think I may have to make a blips playlist on the youtubes and a way of importing it into the server.

That way things might get added/removed quicker
Posted 11 years ago
ok, well I now have a playlist alls I gots to do now is write some import code.


Posted 11 years ago
tv sux
Posted 11 years ago
so is this import code gonna happen
Posted 11 years ago
Posted 11 years ago
A blip request I do bring, three seconds of magnificence here to be seen.
Posted 11 years ago
OK, so yknow how you guyz want user made videos?

What if reg test was


Posted 11 years ago
Is that you DROSS?
Posted 11 years ago
No, it's verms.
Posted 11 years ago
and the next question is, does verms agree with this suggestion?
Posted 11 years ago
On second thought, me at 5am last night thought this would be way more amusing then tonight's 2am me. I retract it.
Posted 11 years ago
Posted 11 years ago
Posted 10 years ago
So apparently blips are from the Max Headroom television show where evil MONEY LUSTING corporate CEOS are pushing forbidden technology that compresses 30 second commercials into three second blips that people watch before switching the channel. The problem comes up that really inactive people's nervous systems become overcharged and make them explode. blah blahblah a reporter wants to shine light on this story etc. But I guess the point is that blips are a cool cyberpunk thing and we spend too much time being couch potatos, but maybe Xix has actually been killing the most inactive among us. Yes.

Then he began accepting video clips called blips that were not really hypercompressed information. Was the body count getting too high? A tinge of regret? Whats the real story here?
Posted 10 years ago
ooh, i'm liking where this theory is heading. you have a knack for the vernacular - are you a writer? should we move this to wetfiction/spam under it's own thread?
Posted 10 years ago
I don't think so. I'm not sufficiently aware of the wetgenes lore as to make it truly titillating.
Posted 10 years ago
lol tits
Posted 10 years ago
Take it or leave it, I believe this is blipworthy,
Posted 10 years ago
That's a horrible blip.

ps- emminem did a max headroom for his new video

Posted 10 years ago
Posted 10 years ago
Much wow in this thread amazing
Posted 10 years ago
oh wait, chillaxn, wrong thread, you mean to post in the opposite aesthetics as everything else on the category in question thread.
Posted 10 years ago
yea i dont know if im supposed to be doing something else http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQnsqSNaa44&list=UUi31FKrjdPVwNivM_vN3auQ
Posted 10 years ago
Posted 10 years ago
LOL das ist gut. also it sounds like golden axe
Posted 10 years ago
also, i think i've added most of the suggestions for blips since 2011 so they should be coming soon to a tv near you.
Posted 10 years ago
oh das good, have addded.
Posted 10 years ago
I want you to handle it...
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