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Posted 10 years ago
Telnet and Ne'er do wells


Can we have a level cap on telnet? I don't know how hard that might be to do, but a good chance that some of the code speakers might be interested in this concept besides the elder gods.

Specifically Swag is using telnet to avoid identification, input attack lines on entire rooms, and make thunderdome ineffective (he is using his iphone apparently).

This a short time after he was complaining about how the christmas season weighed heavily on him.

Wait, Who is swag again?
Posted 10 years ago
{function <telnet>
if <telnet>="user" , <level>=<level/2>;
else, <level>=<level>;} }

Halving a user's level(if using telnet) can debunk poopscoopers like erik/traces/hobbes

But I'm sure dross meant to nerf the telnet. How does one insert a code to enable a specific nerf subset clause

Is this some sort of elaborate ruse to get us all to buy an iphone? Doesn't kite's aura use telnet? Doesn't kite use some sort of smartphone?

I got a new pc for the holidays, how about you all?
Posted 10 years ago
Why not make Telnet users ethereal, can't ban/invoke or be invoked upon, though still bannable from private rooms.

Although that would mean problem users would have invulnerability through that method. idk. Something to work on I guess.

A command along the lines of "/ignore jtab" that only works for ethereal beings would fix that problem.

And if that fails, reg tea and think some more.

And if even that fails, reg thunderdome.

Posted 10 years ago
Angel users.
Ethereal users.
Purgatory users.

or just
bring people from synchtube here so people like zeeky stop getting so bored and just go on banning sprees

Posted 10 years ago
Posted 10 years ago
So traces is American now?

also o_Hai seems to telnet, I forgot about: http://puu.sh/5TQsl.png
Posted 10 years ago
telnet is OP please nerf

Also, when I was spamming posts from a certain /jp/ board, my youtube defaulted to having youtube^jp as the logo and now it's youtube^GB
Posted 10 years ago
KAM wrote on Sat, 21 December 2013 15:11So traces is American now?
no u
Posted 10 years ago
traces wrote on Mon, 23 December 2013 10:40KAM wrote on Sat, 21 December 2013 15:11So traces is American now?
no u

yea keep all dat autist gay in Canyda pls
Posted 10 years ago
or just get rid of being able to invoke at all with telnet, just found out today kam has been avoiding the mud using telnet and a proxy and banning me as swag and other names on telnet. sould not unmud him if he is going to start shit like that. been banning me for weeks and acting like it was not him, then recently freaked out on me and dross on an mmo cas he could not handle "so much reading" then started full out on me as swag and then gave himself away
Posted 10 years ago
Except that wasn't me/
Kite hates being banned, I wonder if Traces is getting the hint.
Devon's a faget :}
Posted 10 years ago
ya i hate being banned by you when your hiding behind a proxy like a cowered. how can you still act like its not you. you as kam gave diablo cookies to abandon the poker room i was in as a guest then swag danced me into limbo then you as kam went into limbo to give swag the form wolf and them punched me. can you explane this perfect coordination with swag if your not them. allso have a pic of it

Posted 10 years ago
ops i posted that as hei this is kite by the way, not a cowered to admit my alts, espeshaly when found out red handed
Posted 10 years ago
"Hey coders, let's nerf telnet cuz traces is banning me >:( it's so unfair!"

I'm all for nerfing telnet, it would've been a great idea back when Erik abused it to get back at me all those times
Now donate five dollars and maybe somebody will give a fuck.
Posted 10 years ago
but the thing is its you who is banning me you just did then had the telnet alt run to your room
Posted 10 years ago
this is almost turning into a jmad, I don't even
Posted 10 years ago
um you still didn't explane the hole giving diablo cookies to ban me out of poker and then giving swag the form wolf thing, and you are starting to turn shitlord like jtab all your self
Posted 10 years ago
well other users have warned me of your shit but you never done it to me yet so i disregarded it, i verry much regret ignoring them now, and know you rely did deserve the mud you got and might still keep
Posted 10 years ago
Traces bans everyone and nobody bats an eye.
I don't know how to finish the rest of this meme, but I'm pretty sure kite is pretty butthurt and the gods don't understand wtf kite is talking about.

Meanwhile I have dross and mawile poking at my urethrahole about resolving drama and this place is a 180°
Posted 10 years ago

well i don't like the drama but there is not much i can do when you are banning me with these telnet accounts, again ignoring the fact that you had diablo dispell a room and choreographed a punch ban with swag in a way that you would have to be swag. you need to learn to act cas your a bad one.

on another note i think i know what has got you on this cowards way of attacking me and i think it might be that i brought to light the swear ban exploit that you so much loved to use so much.
Posted 10 years ago
Oh yeah, Erik and Traces should be pretty mad that they can't cheapass anyone out of a full protected public.vamp room anymore...
unless an intentional server crash happens..
cuz nobody can stop the casTer's stampede

on another note: Kite doesn't need help, im pretty sure he's just picking a fart
Posted 10 years ago
again you ignore the issue that positively identifies you as swag, you giving diablo the cookies to unprotected a the room i was in (instead of just doing it as kam which you could have done perfectly well)and then using a punch ban combo using swag and kam. ignoring it like that proves it even more. most normal people wold say something like, "maybe i was just helping them." but to ignore it blatantly like that shows you don't want to even acknowledge the facts that it even happened. acting lessons you need them, very badly
Posted 10 years ago
Trolling me used to work when people were actually going to wetgenes
Posted 10 years ago
you are alwas sitting in your room but in that screen cap you clearly jump into limbo just to give swag the wolf form you cant troll facts, you cant try to doge them as you blatantly are again.

Posted 10 years ago
Great, now edit the picture to make this come to light:


Posted 10 years ago
what are you trying to even say now?
Posted 10 years ago
sanic was phone

kite wrote on Wed, 25 December 2013 06:46you cant troll facts, you cant try to doge them as you blatantly are again.

kite wrote on Wed, 25 December 2013 06:46try to doge

Posted 10 years ago
Posted 10 years ago
Funny how it happend right after we where talking to kam about it without him runing away to his room, amazing isn't it
Posted 10 years ago
Oh wate traces stll spys as only himself so all you did was log into his account. Good job kam. Still showing yourself more to be swag the more you fuck up.
Posted 10 years ago
I thought it was obvious.
Posted 10 years ago
I know but kam thinks its not and playing it off as he is still not been found out.
Posted 10 years ago
Kam promised me he wasn't swag anymore. But now that traces spys as himself while swag seems to have had someone log in as traces briefly, I'm thinking kam lied to me. Broke a promise, that is sad.

Posted 10 years ago
ur both more retarded than jtab ever could be.

Let's all laugh at the mormons.

If I appeared as erik_revolution, even for a moment, without either of us going 'hey im going to mud the ever living ghandi out of you' then somebody must've been paid a fortune.

This is exactly the problem with dynamic IP addresses, reg doesn't catch onto them.

If swag appears as swag and traces, and traces appears as swag and traces, then both usernames were using the same IP address, which means they're the SAME person. You'd have to be DUMBER than jtab to not realize this.

..... don't tell me I'm right... you better not... else I might just have to ignore everything they say from now on
Posted 10 years ago

kam, I'm afraid my stance is now that you are being very shallow and manipulative.

you're a fukin liar, bro

much dissapoint
Posted 10 years ago

This started everything.
Case closed.

It's funny how lana, quarterlife and blox were not cool with kite's reg ban kams...
and how few concerns were pididdled when Traces goes on his dooplahs.
And yet it's very serious.
Posted 10 years ago
Kam why are you flaling about so hard, its done we found out you are swag and are trying to subvert the mud. Now you are bitching about me baning you using your mud yet you have been baning me as swag using telnet and proxies for weeks. What kind of retard are you.
Posted 10 years ago
That doesn't have anything to do with anythng, stop kam. Apologize, let's be honest with each other. We can be adults if we want to.
Posted 10 years ago
i found more evidence that kam is swag, on the 26 of November traces try's to tell me that knightwing could be kam (which i have no evidence of other than only being on telnet and fast bans the same way as kam/swag so is suspect for another investigation) and kam tells me about him using swag to attack lana

3 days later on the 29th i get the swear ban exploit removed.

about on the 3rd of December i start getting randomly banned by swag about 7 days after kam told me he used swag to attack lana (witch i completely forgot about him even saying) then i started asking around to try to find out who swag is and when i asked kam this is what he said

this was just random bans maybe 4 or 5 times a week, it was bothering me so much that i could not find out who swag was i even was thinking it was jtab at one point, till kams freak out happened on the 19th of December which i stopped going to wetgens for about 3 days cas i was playing the mmo tera and when i did come back to play on wetgenes every day until today that i got a full protect in the tv room, i got one ban right after another by swag and other random names on telnet/proxies

I'm still looking threw the logs i have to see if i can bring about even more evidence but i think the stuff i posted before and this all here is enough

look at the evidence and i think anyone can see that this is case closed
Posted 10 years ago
please if you see any mistakes with this deliberation feel free to tell me what you see, unless you are kam cas all that has come out his mouth from the evidence i have brought has been bullshit and nothing directly correlating to the evidence i have already brought
Posted 10 years ago
Posted 10 years ago
funny how quiet kam got after that last post
Posted 10 years ago
Why do you hate me KAM/SWAG
Posted 10 years ago
kam has gotten dead quiet now on this, stooping so low as to dredge up 3 year old requests to try to get this one ignored.
Posted 10 years ago
Kam right now. The more I teach you the more you screw, kam.

I'm pretty surprised that no one knew swag was Kam. While you gods are doing stuff, please also nerf hoe house. This is where Kam gets the power from. Nobody on wetgenes has the time of a super virgin nerd like Kam. Therefore he is the only one that controls it. Its his own monopoly and it would do a great service to wetgenes as a whole if the admins remove his alts. Or just get rid of the bad game, plz.
Posted 10 years ago
Erik_Revolution wrote on Mon, 30 December 2013 05:09some stuff

this is exactly true with ho house, make an alt and get it to level 20 and rape rape rape all around wetgenes in no time at all
Posted 10 years ago
Oh look, Erik wants something done, guess it'll never happen.

First of all, advertising.
Secondly, XIX wrote on Sat, 20 April 2013 13:23
There is no poker exploit, it's called gaining power by playing the games.

Pretty simple concept I thought.

As to the bans I could make them super powered by the cookies, but it wont actually change anything...

Thirdly, why don't you losers invite some more pooptarts from your poopgames so we can have more poopdoopers?

also why is everyone copying my no longer unique style of word implementation? You love it huh? ;p

"Hi, my name is THECOPYCATNIGGER, and I'm going to copykam, less the crediting, heehee, huuhuu, haha, hoho."

if nerf, xdiablox will have reduced leverage on jtab, I mean seriously- midtier users like blox, sixth, dross, rockgvmt and bunniwaist are the prime examples of the only actual people benefitting from hoe house overall.

Who really prevails from a hoehouse nerf? Erik, Traces, [kite but not aura], Jtab, and ME.

Nerf it yourself, spend your whole life choosing who gets the crowns and who doesn't, it wont matter if no one comes to wetv.

Do everyone a favor and spend one minute posting the wetv link ANYWHERE, instead of spending days/weeks/months complaining about the same shit that never gets heeded to.
Posted 10 years ago
dose kam seriously think there is any meaning behind that, if so i feel sad for him and now have no question as to why he could not understand how to play an mmo
Posted 10 years ago
kite wrote on Mon, 30 December 2013 01:11 kam is amazing, I wish I were him

this is what kite is hoping we wouldn't pick up on
Posted 10 years ago
i foresee the royal pardon to be swiftly used up.
Posted 10 years ago
Please make it an alt wide mud.
Posted 10 years ago
Posted 10 years ago
The biggest difference between Traces and your bannings, is that Traces comes off as a playful random thing. Whereas yours, Kam, seems so very vindictive and precise, usually over the stupidest of shit too.

Traces could be doing it. It is so very possible for him to be acting the fool this whole time, when secretly he is the mastermind. Or he is just another Kam alt.
Posted 10 years ago
KAM is Swag. I got full confirmation last night, and I'm confused but otherwise disinterested in the matter.
Posted 10 years ago
Traces is a swagmaster demopan baller. KAM is not.

Just saying.
Posted 10 years ago
Can I claim to be SWAG and just ride on his reputation/work? I always wanted to be a drama causing fuckface, but I never had the no-life to do it.
Posted 10 years ago
just ask kam for the password, and ride on his work
Posted 10 years ago
kite wrote on Mon, 06 January 2014 07:38just ask kam for the password, and ride on his work

oboi dat sowndz nawteeee
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