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Posted 10 years ago
Thunderdome Glitch- Zombies Unleashed!™

So zeeky4 and I were going to have a sporting one day thunderdome, but when the 100HP requirement was reached it simply continued going with each proceeding succesful strike resulting in the soiling of the defender's pants, repeatedly and for both parties. It stopped when it breached 500hp (Zeeky5 -505) or perhaps due to a timelimit, for the average pace was near 2 minutes as a rough estimation. I took a viddie of the aftermath, please turn down your speakers:


Posted 10 years ago
i pushed the play button, got distracted & deafened by tv before i started reading your report.
Posted 10 years ago
now that i've collected myself, i can confirm this is a bug and will look into it without getting too distracted by tv again.
Posted 10 years ago
Soz, I'll be sure to make the speaker warning more prominent next time.
Posted 10 years ago
you're not at fault! your report is the definition of a good report (succinct info + video evidence), i'm just easily distracted :}
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