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Posted 9 years ago
get rid of TITANIA

this mr. clean wannabe with delusions of cleanliness ruins the website because normal people who aren't 1 years old can't afford to be on wetgenes 24/7 trying to prevent anyone who plays fart yoga videos from using the website

this poser sprayed my real life friend who was brand new to the website after he posted fart yoga, and my friend responded with "fart yoga videos are funny". titania said "this isn't funny" and sprayed him.

Considering fart yoga is hilarious, he literally cannot even tell the difference between 'fart yoga' and 'funny', he sprayed a new user before they even knew what was going on, he almost completely prevents a large number of fart yoga enthusiasts from visitting the website at all and allowing him to continue using the website is just cleaning up wetgenes even further he should be either mudded or KOS IP banned, I recall this discussion being brought up before and XIX or Shi said that although they'd like to IP ban him it's not that simple, as he can simply use scrubbing bubbles or a magic eraser, but I would say that a solution may be to give a few fart yogis the ability to "identify" a cleaning agent as TITANIA, mudding them and their IP, and the users given the ability to do this would have all of their TITANIA reports double checked or something of the sort. I think this would work because it wouldn't actually prevent TITANIA from cleaning the website, so if he feels absolutely compelled to continue using the website he can, but he would know that his lemon-fresh behaviour won't be tolerated because as soon as he begins acting up that IP will be mudded if one of the users are present.

This is just my idea on how to deal with the situation, if the case is just that IP banning/mudding him is not a viable option.

I actually typed out something a lot more in-depth about fart yoga and health benefits of fart yoga but I accidentally so whatever I guess, this probably isn't good enough.
Posted 9 years ago
tbh tv sux
Posted 9 years ago
B+ for the copy pasta customization though
Posted 9 years ago
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