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Posted 13 years ago
your ip is not special


So, I was aware that site "admins" had rights to see some of the privacy information. I never though they could release it to the public:


That is desu_boku on his alt account using his admin privileges to release private information about a users ip.
Private info should be kept private and bad forum admins should be at least warned about this.

Posted 13 years ago
Sorry but your IP is not special privileged information.

IPV6 will make this even less so and also more user specific.

Every site you visit must be given this information and it is very hard to stop it from leaking to users of these sites. Ever clicked on an image in chat? that site now has your ip.

If you care about this, then you need to route all your web traffic through a bouncer/anonymizer.

We try not leak ips, in this case the forum software used displays this information to anyone given any admin rights. This is not our design choice however it is also not something we intend to fix.
Posted 13 years ago

To stop any more complaints about this.

All IPs are now displayed publicly in the forum to everyone.

Posted 13 years ago

the IP was posted to prove a point that your ip is public, and a ip is not "locked on" to one person

he then stated the only way to get someones ip is to get it from having admin rights...

he also stated he only ever uses 1 ip, and pointed out he has used 25

he also said he would tell me the ip he is using, so i saved him the trouble
Posted 13 years ago
XIX wrote on Wed, 13 April 2011 20:01
To stop any more complaints about this.

All IPs are now displayed publicly in the forum to everyone.

no u damnit
Posted 13 years ago
Posted 13 years ago
fucking socks, how they work
Posted 13 years ago
I think its funny that erik complained about this when he googled my IP when shi gave it out in a screenshot and started telling everyone (incorrectly) where I live
Posted 13 years ago
Things are changing, I'll just have to go for the ride.
Posted 13 years ago
i wonder when IPV6 will be implemented?
Posted 13 years ago
Uh maybe the best response to "a mod leaked my IP" is "he's not a mod anymore"

Not "we'll leak everyone's IPs to make it fair"
Posted 13 years ago
Posted 13 years ago
Yay people know that I'm from Australia, crikey.
Posted 13 years ago
Seriously, in what possible way is revealing every single poster's IP address not a really stupid violation of privacy? We should at the very least have to give our consent for this.
Posted 13 years ago
yes, you do that
Posted 13 years ago
i can't wait till one of the hundreds of 4chan fucks we invite happens to have a botnet
Posted 13 years ago
why, traces. what happens?
Posted 13 years ago
traces wrote on Thu, 14 April 2011 17:53i can't wait till one of the hundreds of 4chan fucks we invite happens to have a botnet

Pffft you could DOS this server with home dialup.

Posted 13 years ago
shi wrote on Thu, 14 April 2011 19:55why, traces. what happens?

banning people starts to get risky
Posted 13 years ago
oooh exciting.
Posted 13 years ago
So instead of shooting yourself in the foot, you've decided to just hack both your legs off? wonderful, I am 100% satisfied I joined this site.
Posted 13 years ago
Fridge wrote on Thu, 14 April 2011 22:27So instead of shooting yourself in the foot, you've decided to just hack both your legs off? wonderful, I am 100% satisfied I joined this site.

Posted 13 years ago
Your IP is not and will never be a secret you cannot operate the internet without telling other people your IP.

If you think that you can keep your IP a secret then you are a moron.

You always have to tell someone, right now you are broadcasting this information to everyone.

If you wish to hide this information then you will need to put a trusted 3rd party between you and the rest of the world. We can not provide this service for you.

This is, as I said earlier, going to get 100x worse with IPV6.

Consider this a wakeup call.
Posted 13 years ago
I'm glad that just any nobody on a website can get it now that's much better!
Posted 13 years ago
Okay, it's not a huge secret but why would you just stick it out in the open? That's just dumb. I am gonna DDoS everyone.

One person whined about his being shown so you will solve the problem by exposing everyone else indiscriminately. Way to just go and throw urine in my eyes.
Posted 13 years ago
*lathers fish in wasabi*
Posted 13 years ago
fish wrote on Fri, 15 April 2011 13:50Okay, it's not a huge secret but why would you just stick it out in the open? That's just dumb. I am gonna DDoS everyone.

One person whined about his being shown so you will solve the problem by exposing everyone else indiscriminately. Way to just go and throw urine in my eyes.

Now you mention it, I would actually prefer it if people suffered DDoS rather than this website.

So that's another valid reason to publish them.
Posted 13 years ago
never before has your avatar giving the user the finger been more appropriate
Posted 13 years ago
XIX wrote on Thu, 14 April 2011 22:59
If you wish to hide this information then you will need to put a trusted 3rd party between you and the rest of the world. We can not provide this service for you.

Nobody wants their ip on public display, and always having to use a proxy before visiting the forums is an inconvenience. Change this back please thanks in advance.
Posted 13 years ago
I hope this whole thing is a joke. April fool joke or something.
Posted 13 years ago
Welcome to the true nature of this site, Kohaku.
Posted 13 years ago
heh yeah, you can't say you aren't a newfag anymore until you've experienced at least a little bit of it
Posted 13 years ago
Posted 13 years ago
Actually I was thinking of expanding this transparency into chat

To make it easier to track down anyone connecting through a public bouncer,

If they connect through a public bouncer and you know that bouncers IP then so can you.

Forced pants sharing.
Posted 13 years ago
Make sure it says where they're from/nationality.
Posted 13 years ago
Ooh oooh can we share mothers maden names and SSN's too? Since we are already being violated, might as well get a bit more out of it.
Posted 13 years ago
Your IP is still not special.

If you are expecting the internet to keep your IP a secret then you will be terribly disappointed.

The idea that you would trust an owner of any website you have visited more than any random person is silly.

Obfuscation is not security, you need to be aware of what information you are sharing rather than simply being told that "you can trust me".
Posted 13 years ago
How many times do people in this thread have to remind you that "people can find your IP" is not the same thing as "I will tell everyone your IP"

The fact that I need an mailing address to use the postal system does not mean everybody should know it.
Posted 13 years ago
ellbent wrote on Tue, 19 April 2011 17:33How many times do people in this thread have to remind you that "people can find your IP" is not the same thing as "I will tell everyone your IP"

The fact that I need an mailing address to use the postal system does not mean everybody should know it.

It is not your address, it is a POBOX number.

Everyone you connect to on the internet has to know this information.

You are not anonymous, if you want to be anonymous then you will need to do something about it.

Like I said, this is not my initial design choice but the more I talk to you the more I feel that I should not go out of my way to hide your IPs as it just gives you a false sense of security.

So congratulations on pushing me one step further along that path.

Posted 13 years ago
I give some companies my Credit Card number and full details. There is a reason they don't publish them.
I give some companies my Social Security number and full details. There is a reason they don't publish them.
Posted 13 years ago
unless you have a really shitty computer with something like windows 2k on it, about all your ip address can do is give somebody a general idea of where you are located. Even then it can be wrong.
Posted 13 years ago
Tosi wrote on Wed, 20 April 2011 00:29unless you have a really shitty computer with something like windows 2k on it, about all your ip address can do is give somebody a general idea of where you are located. Even then it can be wrong.
This is still not a reason to make it public.

Since words don't seem to work when explaining why this is stupid, let me see if pictures help. Here, two helpful Venn diagrams;

This is not an improvement.

Posted 13 years ago
learn to internets. if you don't like how shit works here, fuck off. plenty of other places on the internet.
Posted 13 years ago
WetRequests is now "Wetfuckoff - plenty of other places on the internet."
Posted 13 years ago
Posted 13 years ago
Jshaw995 wrote on Wed, 20 April 2011 08:03WetRequests is now "Wetfuckoff - plenty of other places on the internet."

Jshaw995 wrote on Wed, 20 April 2011 08:03WetRequests is now "Wetfuckoff

Jshaw995 wrote on Wed, 20 April 2011 08:03is now

it's kinda always been that way
where've you been
Posted 13 years ago
One of the things that really bothers me about this attitude is that in the future I would like to move towards less centralised servers and more peer to peer.

These are good things, the internet is not meant to be centralised.

How the fuck is anyone supposed to do that when people believe their IP is precious.

So yeah, fuck off jshaw, we will try not to miss your massive positive contribution.
Posted 13 years ago
fuck yeah wet p2p streaming
Posted 13 years ago
Gayshaw has been told.
Posted 13 years ago
I can reply to all the bitching in this thread with one sentence:
Toggle Spoiler
Posted 13 years ago
brb googling eyepees to stalk and kill everyone it was a good idea to do this
Posted 13 years ago
wow a p2p wetgenes would be vary nice. would this mean we could play any video or movie we had on our computer?
Posted 13 years ago
viruses for everyone!
Posted 13 years ago
I have many viruses I would like to share with all of you.
Posted 13 years ago
I'm guessing HPB is one of them
Posted 13 years ago
p2p not mean pingas2pingas and is therefore nothing to do with viruses
Posted 13 years ago
if you could play any video you had on your computer then it would have something to do with viruses.
That's what I was answering to
Posted 13 years ago
Tosi wrote on Tue, 26 April 2011 20:49if you could play any video you had on your computer then it would have something to do with viruses.
That's what I was answering to

I bet magnus has quite a lot of videos on his computer.
Posted 13 years ago
videos are still not viruses, you have to run executables or use microsoft products to have a chance of catching the virus.
Posted 13 years ago
XIX wrote on Wed, 27 April 2011 20:34use microsoft products
Posted 13 years ago
>implying mac and linux don't get viruses
Posted 13 years ago
Vlad_The_Implier wrote on Thu, 28 April 2011 06:06>implying mac and linux don't get viruses

They get a slightly better class of virus.

Windows viri are pure chav.
Posted 13 years ago
Implied nothing, I just hate Microsoft.
Posted 13 years ago
But everyone loves Microsoft!
Posted 13 years ago
I love how they release what Canonical and Apple would classify as a 'beta os' for $100 US.
Posted 13 years ago
There are lots of linux viruses, I have written a few. However, you never see them because of lunix's tiny market share which prevents mass distribution, and the fact that its users are smart enough not to run some random executable named "FREE SMILEYS".

Mac users aren't smart enough to figure out how to even run executables in the first place, so they don't have anything to worry about.
Posted 13 years ago
Tosi wrote on Sun, 01 May 2011 10:01There are lots of linux viruses, I have written a few. However, you never see them because of lunix's tiny market share which prevents mass distribution, and the fact that its users are smart enough not to run some random executable named "FREE SMILEYS".

Mac users aren't smart enough to figure out how to even run executables in the first place, so they don't have anything to worry about.

I know the reasons that there aren't widespread viruses in the Linux and Mac community, I try not to be the typical braindead Mac user and arrived at being one simply because I was bought a Mac for my birthday and I don't like Windows. Otherwise I'd still be using Fedora on a netbook.

sudo make me a sandwich
Posted 13 years ago
when the fuck did this thread get so off topic

why are ips still displayed
Posted 13 years ago
Taokaka wrote on Sun, 01 May 2011 18:02when the fuck did this thread get so off topic

why are ips still displayed

Posted 13 years ago
can it
Posted 13 years ago, why aren't you at your post?
Posted 13 years ago
XIX wrote on Sun, 01 May 2011 17:16199.48.147.36, why aren't you at your post?
It's TK421 XIX, and I am glad I am not the only one that thought of that.
Posted 13 years ago
I don't personally like this idea. But then again, no one gives a fuck what I think.
Posted 13 years ago
Posted 13 years ago
your ip, she is not special senor
Posted 13 years ago
And yet a corporation is considered a person.
The courts never cease to amaze me.
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