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Posted 11 years ago
You probably have no idea who i am

Zeeky4 wrote on Wed, 26 December 2012 05:39hey this guy xix right here. granted you have no fucking idea who i am but still. i've been hearing an awful lot about this "title 0" and frankly you're afk every time you're on so if you could get back to me that'd be great

I sense anger, but I am not sure why?
Posted 11 years ago
He was drunk last night when he sent that! He was so unsure of what he was doing that he convinced himself the mail was never sent. Quite the Lush.
Posted 11 years ago
Hahahahahah oh wow.
Posted 11 years ago
I love how I can outfuck all of you in League of Lameasses. Get mad, because it's going to be a dry and salty ride for all you sods.
Posted 11 years ago
mein doppelgänger
Posted 11 years ago
i don't remember typing that. i need to stop coming on here drunk.
Posted 11 years ago
my bad if i caused any ill tidings toward myself. most of the things i say tanked should be disregarded in general.
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