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Posted 11 years ago
blox is a problem

jtab wrote on Wed, 02 January 2013 20:46listen. I know I have the worst reputation out of anyone here to call shots on things like thing. but seriously, talking to darkest_waist and traces today, we all agree that blox's grudge matches are source of 90% of dramas. not to mention his reason for banning new users because he thinks they're ME, when really, that's kinda a creepy obsession with me.

most people won't admit it but the whole chat is terrorized by blox because while he bans and insults users constantly, if he himself recieves a ban or a punch, he goes beserk on the person until the submit fully to him. I can only surmise that most of blox's rage at me comes from the fact that I refuse to let him walk over me. And for someone to hate a person as much as he does for that reason is really sick and twisted, but that's my opinion. I can handle people like that. I draw the line at other users being attacked on my behalf. that is unfair to them and me.

and while being mudded, several people have reduced hostility to me as it is easy to remove me, blox insists on banning me for merely existing. It's really annoying, like a fly that buzzes right by your ear but you can't seem to kill it.

Please dum/mud blox.

thank you.
Posted 11 years ago
**... to call shots on things like this.


blox really has some anger issues. I kinda feel raped by him after this conversation.
Posted 11 years ago
jtab wrote on Thu, 03 January 2013 13:42I kinda feel raped by him after this conversation.

You like it, don't lie.
Posted 11 years ago
jtab wrote on Thu, 03 January 2013 18:42**... to call shots on things like this.

blox really has some anger issues. I kinda feel raped by him after this conversation.

Posted 11 years ago
reaction to abuse by loved one =/= wanting someone's family to be raped and murdered because of internet game
Posted 11 years ago
normal reaction to abuse by "loved one" =/= thtreatning to go to someones house and kills them while stalking them electronically. oh look everyone we're all making observations!
Posted 11 years ago
I never said 'normal' sixth. my statement still stands.
Posted 11 years ago
Jtab is a bad liar, i only ban him because he bothers everyone. like the other day he was pushing rock to get back on heroin after he just went through withdrawal. jtab is just trying to cause drama other than that when jtab isn't around wetv has become one of the most peaceful communities ever and everyone is having fun, until he shows up in the chat with an offensive guest name to insult people or tell them they are peices of shit. i dont bother arguing with him i just ban him like everyone wants when he thinks he needs to engage in constant argument.
i shouldn't even have to write this jtab being a community drain is just always happening and everyone can a approve this
there's already enough proof that jtab is a troll by looking at the mad level on his signature.

here some proof of what jtab does everyday on wetgenes.

fight_quietly: sorry
jtab: if I'mma do you you gotta do me
jtab: and I KNOW I'mm do you ;>
jtab: I like it
jtab: the taste <3
jtab: the feel
fight_quietly: Lol
jtab: mmmmmmmmrah
fight_quietly: This isnt gonna happen.
fight_quietly: At least not right now
jtab: oooh ;]
jtab: what about me doing you~?
fight_quietly: Nothing.
jtab: still my muzzle up between your leg, push those inner thighs apart~
jtab: first a gentle kiss followed by a long lick~
fight_quietly: Im serious
fight_quietly: no
jtab: then I wrap my lips around that button and suck on it a little~
fight_quietly: Really? Jtab
jtab: mmm one of my favorites <3
fight_quietly: Ill talk to later. Im going to Tv
jtab: sorry I love giving cunnlignus <3
jtab: aww <3
ryno10sman: ha
ryno10sman: h
ryno10sman: ahaha

Posted 11 years ago
before I do an IN DEPTH analysis of blox's comment and give solid evidence on how blox is lying about me lying, lemme just say one thing quick:

notice how blox ignores the issue of him banning other users and him terrorizing the chat, which is the topic of this thread. I said he does this because of a creepy obsssion with me. His comment on this thread is three rambling sentences about me, and then a log of how I normally talk in chat pretty much everyday. He does not defend himself or dismiss the thread about him. Once again, he proves that what I'm saying is true.

Maybe you don't have to mud blox, but is there a way to keep him if from banning me or seeing my text in chat? zelly's script won't work if he's annoyingly banning me every five seconds.
Posted 11 years ago
update: since I last posted, blox has made this thread: http://www.wetgenes.com/forum/index.php?t=msg&th=11226&start=0&rid=30835

I submit this as further truth that blox is obsessed with me. any man who takes time to look at gay porn, edit the back ground out of gay porn, and move the dicks onto my picture spends WAY too much time looking at dicks and it makes me feel really uncomfortable. Traces said something about magnets. fucking magnets! how do they work? <3

also, because blox's thread is so rage-filled and I refuse to post in it, I will post more evidence of him lying.

xDiablox wrote on Sat, 05 January 2013 12:25this is jtubs memorial *ahem*

today i will provide you all with a few funny screenie in story form i though it would be funny and i wanted to make it.

Warning: this thread might produce a little bit of mad any mads that might get out hand please just ignore.

whole story:



so how about 'em magnets? <3
Posted 11 years ago
inb4 another mad post
also i would like to add that traces does not think i am the cause of drama and darkest was just mad because i banned his guest a while back which we got over and resolved already.
Posted 11 years ago
Posted 11 years ago
Posted 11 years ago
this is getting bad
Posted 11 years ago
It was bad since the start.
Posted 11 years ago
The only opinion that matters is Yukarin's. Let's put a golden frame around something that matters.
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