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Posted 11 years ago
Bitch doesn't know what it's like to be bullied.

Ben McKay
8:25 AM (3 hours ago)

to kriss
So XIX, I actually think the whole jtab issue that happened brought forth an actual issue. That is cyber bullying. I am serious when I say this. You have created a place for people to interact with each other. Now, as the creator of said site, I also believe that you are morally responsible for what goes on in that place of interaction to some degree.

I believe the jtab issue was handled poorly on everyone's part, that not one singular person is to blame. I also do believe that Jtab has some emotional scarring from what transpired between him and blox. Point is, this was brought to your attention, both sides of the story. Jtab put way too much effort into all of his forum posts to be a troll. I really do believe what transpired is the sort of stuff that makes those people off themselves after they make that youtube video where they hold up the pre written cards while crying. Yes, there is a lot of negative thoughts towards those people such as them being weak, or stupid for listening to others that just said mean things to them.

I'm probably one of the only people on wetgenes that talks to jtab like he is a regular human being, and I really do believe that he was cyber bullied to an extreme extent. No he did not ask me to write this, this is entirely my own thought baby. So, what I am getting at is that maybe the community of wetgenes should look at the issue that was brought up on the site. In a very serious non troll like way. Cyber bullying hasn't really touched wetgenes I don't think, which is why a lot of people are still on there. So yea, all I'm asking is that you think about it. After all, I do enjoy the community of wetgenes, and I would hate to see it ruined by petty bullshit such as cyber bullying.
Posted 11 years ago
A troll is someone who perverts an issue into another issue, the length of reply is not a factor.

For instance, taking any conversation and turning it into one about me Me ME!!!!!

Finally, as I keep FUCKING SAYING, jtub will be unbanned at the end of the year along with everyone else.
Posted 11 years ago
reg crowns big_al

Posted 11 years ago
> handled poorly
> xix is morally responsible
> enjoys the community of wetgenes
> ben is a person

Atm, jtub isn't banned cuz of last week's server crashes.
Also Big_Al & Erik_Revolution don't have their -900 thunderdome mud crowns because of said crashes.
Oops, did I say that out loud?
Posted 11 years ago
dat watermark
but yeah what kam said
>enjoying wetgenes
Posted 11 years ago
People need to give less fucks.
Posted 11 years ago
The simple matter is that jtab came here of his own free will. Bullying is a traumatic experience because of the inability to resist or escape it. Dis brain dead spiteful man-child had not the ability or desire to close a browser window to stop coming to this torture den of evil. Because of that, he is now like a petulant child, seeking every single manner to tear down those he blames for his suffering via his snake tongued blather so as to libel people as pedophiles and the others as cyber bullies.

Dis nigga crazy; real talk. No doubt he will live a life no wiser, all bets on the nipponized bit of the old 6th ave.

Posted 11 years ago
Last week I heard of a case where 2 girls were kidnapped 10 years ago and were constantly getting raped since then until they escaped. Jtab was insulted on the internet.
Posted 11 years ago
who the fuck is ben mcgay
also jtab got trashed because he bullied zelly and everyone looked down on it since zelly never does anything and then when jtab got a taste of his own poison he decided it was wrong.
not only did he carry over his drama to wetgenes ,but later jtab started harassing others on the site which lead to his crying
Posted 11 years ago
I started banning jnoob before he was even a registered user. I was the first to make him mad.
ben mcgay is actually hobbes/ i_am_manga and both jtab via the handle faggot_blox and I_am_manga+hobbes are currently able to talk in wetgenes.

Zelly isn't a nice person unless you can tolerate her shy semi-sinister Michael Jackson-esque ways. I still have never heard Zelly's voice so I'm still going to say it is a dude pretending to be a shy 11 year old who just so happens to be on wetgenes...

why does everyone hate blox? what the fuck did he even?
How could anyone hate an adorable x*****x name? who has xD in his name everytime he posts something?
Mawile/pinkpikachu doesn't like him because originally he posted gore in the beginning of his existence.
Jtab disliking blox obviously means that blox has a lot of undeniable stylin swag
fish trolls blox

Well I mean there's a reason why blox has someone as cute as vimKITTEN as his meowmeow... =^_^=
Posted 11 years ago
Posted 11 years ago
Posted 11 years ago
there's too much going on, i can't keep up.
Posted 11 years ago
I can't believe people are still talking about this
Posted 11 years ago
Posted 10 years ago
But I do know what it's like to be bullied. :'(

Oh wait.

You're right.
Posted 10 years ago
blox is fun to play Dosh Simulator with

and as far as jtab goes, we've all heard the calls.


Also Bitch suffers from an eternity of being bullied. It is the real reason she fled her country of birth (Zimbabwe).
Posted 10 years ago
desu_boku wrote on Wed, 11 December 2013 13:58

Also Bitch suffers from an eternity of being bullied. It is the real reason she fled her country of birth (Zimbabwe).


Posted 10 years ago
Posted 10 years ago
wow being gone for 3 days and lots happen. ya...
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