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Posted 11 years ago
dem bans

the level difference penalty for banning is way too low.
double it and then it will be k
also we're out of nachos
Posted 11 years ago
hiduko is right, we're out of nachos
Posted 11 years ago

Bad news bruv,

we never had an nachos and I have no idea what you were eating.
Posted 11 years ago
blah blah
Posted 11 years ago

ok so we have more people requesting to extend the ban penalty

jshaw said it best "the cookie inflation" of which deters all users from needing to spent an iota of effort to do anything. One obvious upside to xix is that faggots like jtab will stay banned longer automatically if this prophecy comes to be
Posted 11 years ago
i think over all we have more votes for nachos than bans, but i have a short attention span, treat bans like borkbork maybe? people just login through telnet as guests after getting banned, it'd be hard to get around that but im not sure how anything works
Posted 11 years ago
Yeah I'm seeing a stronger showing from the nacho party here than the ban party.

Maybe we should have a show of hands?
Posted 11 years ago
i vote for nachos
and the ability to dish out extended bans to people i ban regularly
like a mile high club, but the benefits are longer bans
Posted 11 years ago
If by nachos you mean a bunch of people plastering images of nachos then I vote for extended bans.

If by nachos you mean a game about eating nachos like pac-man.. then hell yeah nachos
Posted 11 years ago
I am seeing a lot of grass roots support for nachos.

Maybe we need a bowl?
Posted 11 years ago
The shortage of new users with an increased ban cookie amount would be pretty worthless. This should've been implemented 4 years ago when the cookie inflation happened and when we had the good ol ban wars.

Meh, I vote for nachos
Posted 11 years ago
You see what you did Hiduko? You see what you've done?
Posted 11 years ago
he got us nachos
Posted 11 years ago
reg nachos. best new command of 2013
Posted 11 years ago
can we add some dip into the mix?
Posted 11 years ago
of course! spinach artichoke and spicy goat cheese and hummus!
Posted 11 years ago
Too complicated, add ranch
Posted 11 years ago
+1 for hummus.
Posted 11 years ago
i vote for
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