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Posted 11 years ago
Blip request

this would make a funny blip
Posted 11 years ago
this is delightful. please to be added, xix.
Posted 11 years ago
This I think would be a good blip, please enjoy.

Posted 11 years ago
oh, yes.
Posted 11 years ago
^ W ^
Posted 11 years ago
As much as we all have grown accostumed to the blips, I think a temporary absolute replacement would be a spectacle. After a short while, I see no reason why the 1st(?) generation of blips needn't be mixed in to our present cornucopia.
Posted 11 years ago
it would be a good idea to start cycling them out one or two at a time
Posted 11 years ago
Hello, I have another high quality 4 second blip request. Please enjoy, I laugh every time, but am unsure how familiar the gods might be with this meme.

Posted 11 years ago
how do i make the video show up :C?
Posted 11 years ago
just post the youpube url and it will show up. also, a tv yay to that video.
Posted 11 years ago
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dz5tXEbT0PE is mine

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlfpK9LW7IY is another possibility
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XoVgCbu8sfQ is cute
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiJ9AE5vyAI is stupid lol

oh my god what http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Es1d5ANe-Ts wow
DONT FORGET THIS ONE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1GadTfGFvU
this one fits http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xo_5ZKcYROw

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7v7z0goFLg interesting

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDI5QPYAoAY derp the world
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4GkDV1Fy6A derp your face
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mty-rF0f7hg derp all over your face
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6UYAOMzoxw just derp

3F0Xx-oQKsU is ok
2zUWXKThqHw is good to go
tepK-9VIxkk is great
tpcTkV1tKDs is MEOW =^_^=
then there's 1Utgb8ENYKE
or gwnPFryXF6g
ABykKiJaEgU for no reason
I'm sure one of these has decent replay value. Some are just there for kicks
Posted 11 years ago
None of this shit is getting done, niggers.
Posted 11 years ago
Most of those would be horribad blips, Kam.
Posted 11 years ago
Posted 11 years ago
Here is a short video with excellent qualifications to be a blip, please enjoy.

Posted 11 years ago
Just a reminder of the very simple deal a deal that applies to everything around here.

Give us some thing that you have made yourself and it will probably go in instantly.

Give us a link to something made by someone else and it probably wont.

I've actually taken some time to set things up so it is easier than ever for me to add blips, seriously I go to a youtube page and click a couple of buttons. BOOOM done.

yet I am still waiting for a *tiny* spark of creativity from yous guys to provide me with the opportunity to use it...

Also STFU with the negativity fatass.
Posted 11 years ago
none of us can create, only destroy
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