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Posted 11 years ago
an idea for faggots to stay banned

i feel as if bans are sort of useless on this site. the bans don't last long enough for people to fear them, and people simply get easy cookies to get out of them too quickly. a simple idea that could potentially work would be to raise the cost of unbanning to 2 cookies per second. Another idea would be to add a feature that lets you ban someone for a set amount of cookies. (i.e derpaherp has 60k cookies, bans herfaderf for an hour)
Posted 11 years ago
You think you can change these things by being here for a month? Nigga you're outta your league.
Posted 11 years ago
month? nigga i've been here for half a year, and besides, im not trying to change anything. I'm just throwing ideas. god forbid something changes right?
Posted 11 years ago
banning is fun
Posted 11 years ago
>talking about bans

Can we fix the poker exploit? Maybe after a certain amount of cookies you could get a crown. Or in order to continue playing at the high stakes that bring game breaking cookies you would have to risk negative crowns.

Posted 11 years ago

There is no poker exploit, it's called gaining power by playing the games.

Pretty simple concept I thought.

As to the bans I could make them super powered by the cookies, but it wont actually change anything...

Posted 11 years ago
are we really thinking people dont have enough power? you were wanting new people in here zeeky, i dont think giving traces the power of life and death over a ban is a way to get em
Posted 11 years ago
Dude when I get banned it takes me like..... a day to get out of it. They don't need to last longer =(
Dis is bad.
Posted 11 years ago
Lately, whenever I get banned I just close the tab and go to sleep. I doubt anything will change if the bans were costlier.
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