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Posted 9 years ago
I wanted to warn everyone that, should you find out that KAM is waging a war on Athens, it is best to keep quiet. KAM interprets talking about this matter as 'not taking his side' and will add you to his targets.

I'm not sure what Athens did, but KAM stated his life was ruined and there were also sexual connotations, so I would recommend using compassion when approaching the subject as not to trigger KAM.
Posted 9 years ago
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little witch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my lodge in the Golden Dawn, and I’ve been involved in numerous evocations of my Holy Guardian Angel, and I have over 300 confirmed conjurations. I am trained in Goetic evocation and I’m the top exorcist in the entire Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. You are nothing to me but just another new age hippie. I will curse you with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on the astral plane, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying those incantations to me over the Internet? Think again, witch. As we speak I am activating my secret network of sigils across the USA and your crystal supplier is being traced right now so you better prepare for the banishment, hippie. The banishment that wipes out the pathetic little things you call your rituals. You’re spiritually dead, neophyte. I can evoke anywhere, anytime, and I can create a sacred space in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram alone. Not only am I extensively trained in banishing, but I have access to a temple and a set of elemental weapons and I will use them to their full extent to wipe your miserable practices off the face of the continent, you little Wiccan. If only you could have known what holy retribution your little “clever” incantation was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking pentagram. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re feeling the rule of three, you goddamn fool. I will evoke fury all over you and you will be driven insane by it. You’re fucking cursed, neophyte.
Posted 9 years ago
Dross I bind you from doing harm to others or yourself.
Dross I bind you from doing harm to others or yourself.
Dross I bind you from doing harm to others or yourself.
Posted 9 years ago
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you unenlightened neophyte? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Invisible College, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on dark wizards, and I have over 300 confirmed curses. I am trained in 7th dimension hexing and I’m the top Invoker in the entire Ordo Mysterium. You are nothing to me but just another Wiccan. I will wipe you the fuck out with sigils the likes of which has never been seen before on this etheric plane, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of magicians across the Astral Realm and your Existential Signature is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking hexed, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can curse you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my akasha. Not only am I extensively trained in hermeticks, but I have access to the entire Will of the Ordo Templi Orientis and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the mind of the ALL you unenlightened shit.If only you could have known what magickal retribution your little “gnostic” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re gaining knowledge of the 6th hermetick principle, you goddamn Carroll worshipper. I will shit Geburah and chaos demons all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, chaote.
Posted 9 years ago
Seriously though KAM is getting SWAGish again. He's been keeping Athens banned ever since he was unmudded, and has been going after the newbs as of late. All that just to keep us watching his video game walkthroughs and game show clips. Let there be divine intervention.
Posted 9 years ago
Logs or it didn't happen.

Posted 9 years ago
KAM is lucky I'm lazy
Posted 9 years ago
Looking at the logs it does seem KAM aka Titania is the most prevalent amongst the bannerers. As to the athens issue, he says it's, and im paraphrasing, due to grievous personal injury such that it pains him to speak more on the issue. For that reason alone I have been letting that issue lose inertia a bit before addressing it.

Athens aside, despite my overall vaguely appreciative stance on KAM, and my admonishment of those who would lynch a villian as by reductionist idealism, I think he and traces abuse the right to cthulhu.

Also Athens has been coming on as a guest, and that doesn't show up on the logs along with many other things.

XIX, could the logs have added to them a more detailed record of actions? Meaning, could the commands be tallied as part of the data package? This could help distinguish play from abuse, as well as guesticide, which the internet says is hospiticide.

tl;dr: when clicking on a pvp engagement ranking slot, if the list of succesfull cmds that are being tallied could be shown it would be swell

too short;idea ilegible: example: if I was the top banner for banning successfully 8 times, clicking my name in the banner ranking might display the 8 "/me calls cthulhu to ban "victim"" commands that have contributed to the ranking.

Thats a fun and potentially easy modification, but as it stands, the current ban abuse climate is congruent with long term climotology with KAM's steady borderline inconspicuous use of cthulhu and traces' which tends to punctuate long absences of activity.

If anything, KAM is plenty powerful enough to be taxed of his ability to call cthulhu, but not malicious enough to be blocked from our best friend reg.
Posted 9 years ago
The ban wars of the past took a little bit more than a couple of bans.

For instance I think dorky hit 100s in a day when he was menstruating.

So yeah, KAMs a bit of a dick but unless I'm missing a lot (maybe logs are borked?) then it doesn't look notably excessive at the moment.
Posted 9 years ago
I have spoken online in confidence with an elder user of who is on neutral or positive terms with nearly everyone and they're opinion on the decline of the regulars is that new blood can't be brought in as long as KAM is the dominant dick in the power vacuum.

I disagreed with them, but by a slim margin.
Posted 9 years ago
Ps- in case it wasn't clear, Meaning is the account I use on alternate networks.
Posted 9 years ago
However, guest banning is really mean and takes advantage of the usually voluntary weaker state taken up at times as a less obtrusive footprint.

If it wouldn't be too hard, the log system could see better use with logs of commands as detailed above or in general more detailed victim/aggressor information.
Posted 9 years ago
KAM doesn't have a reason to ban Athens. In the past (and he's being doing this a long time), the only reasons cited are puerile: KAM doesn't like "old" and "boring" people. It should be noted that fear of ones elders is just a sublimated fear of owns own misspent youth.

KAM wants to be a bully, but doesn't want the social repercussions. Hence the proxies and aliases of the past, and efforts to keep people from finding out who is behind the anon names he bans. That's some beta shit, and unbecoming to a man of villainy.
Posted 9 years ago
i rate the above post 1.7/10

calm down
Posted 9 years ago
Sorry, I forgot to drizzle in some obfuscating language and passive tone so it appears I'm not TOO sincere. I'm off my game.
Posted 9 years ago
>"That's some beta shit, and unbecoming to a man of villainy."

😢 😥😭😢🎭
Posted 9 years ago
I stand by that. If you want to create discord, you're not entitled to cowardice. This argument came about because KAM attacked me for not aiding him in that.
Posted 9 years ago
So I think the consensus was that KAM was the most bannery banner guy, but I think the changes to the forum have made people less inclined to go through the hassle of complaining as it tends to be personal.

How about I paste a link to this forum thread into the biggest wetgenes skype chat I know and ask people to vote on whether or not kam would be happier as well as everyone else if he was mudded a bit.
Posted 9 years ago
Consensus based on browsing the logs, I think it's self evident even though there is a lot the logs don't convey.
Posted 9 years ago
Kam decided athens was banned for some arbitrary reason and he has more power than most everyone else because he's the only one (including the gods) who is devoted enough to follow through on harassing him off the website.

Athens committed the ultimate sin, he blocked kam and ignores that kam even exists never responding to him or his actions.
Posted 9 years ago
More over there isn't a lot of banning because the website isn't nearly as active or alive. Plus athens isn't a child like the rest of us who starts a flame war or a banning ward or calls to action.

So the bans are low in number because he gets banned then leaves to do something else away from KAM.
Posted 9 years ago
Kam has done the same thing to me fish, he's decided to ban me whenever i come on for no reason and he won't even tell me why when i try to ask him.
Posted 9 years ago
i like wilco
Posted 9 years ago
KAM is ____ to the people he chooses to be ______ to.

nice, nice
nice, mean
mean, nice
mean, mean
mean, sexual
nice, sexual
Posted 9 years ago
Kam keeps telling me to die, I think when someone keeps repeating that someone should die they should have a break and a mud could provide them the space they need from tools that assist them to use power perversely.

ps- kam aka his current main titania
Posted 9 years ago
kam said this mean thing and i am sad he is mean meany mean
Posted 9 years ago
-1 mud
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