...leading an army of transvestites armed with maces that were shaped like pink hearts. Then, Rakiro fell from the sky wearing a short polka dotted skirt and did a girly dance, which caused all the flowers to walk and attack the army of trannies. Rakiro gave Tosi a wand with a sparkly star on it and then armed himself with a bubble gun. The two armies then clashed, flowers vs. tranny soldiers, Tosi vs. L*n* and Rakiro vs. Darkaruki. As the battle began, the camera focused on Tosi and L*n*'s fight...
To avoid causing drama, L*n* has been erased from this story by the classic giant pencil with a pink eraser end coming from the sky and erasing her. The camera then focused on Rakiro and Darkaruki's fight...
...jumped up and ate it, gaining its mystical powers of flight and rapid regeneration. As he roared the flower army underwent heavy mutations and turned into worms armed with bazookas, and suddenly...
The great dick from the sky pummeled the evil worms. Crushing them repeatedly as fast as it could. Rakiro and Tosi looked up and shouted their thanks to the sky. A extremely manly voice replied with a "Youse welcome nigras!" A face appeared for a brief moment before dispersing. It was this giant-dick'd god's face - the face of the one called Shi. Then the duo turned their attention to...
...a character who had risen from the ground. This character was supposed to be a girl called L*n*, but since she is censored from this story by the TV Network, the executives have replaced her character with...
...XIX appeared! XIX snapped his fingers and a storm of cherry blossoms blew the tranny army away. But then, Darkaruki noticed a zipper on XIX's back! He pulled the zipper, revealing that ''XIX'' was actually...
...zapped Darkaruki, turning him into a living red carpet. XIX then exploded into lots of living sandwiches with stick figure feet. Suddenly, a hole opened in the sky, and from it fell Xenon, who then...
Began chasing Tosi around exclaiming "IM GONNA BITE YOU IN THE ASS! IM GONNA BITE YOU IN THE ASS!" over and over again. In which Tosi replied "Oh no, not my ass! I need that to live!" Then Xenon...
...was eaten Darkaruki the living carpet. Suddenly Hatsune Miku appeared from the ground and but everyone got their ''tv sux'' guns and shot her. Then Rakiro asbo'd everyones cookies so everyone got butthurt and beat up Rakiro with ban hammers. Meanwhile in America, Texas' population was killed by a rain of poisonous spiders. Back in the former flower field, a green comet fell down and became a circus tent. Rakiro, Darkaruki and Tosi got into the tent. Inside they saw...
...get grabbed by a Klown who wrapped Bitch in green kandyfloss cocoon. Then more Klown hands emerged from the shadows and dragged everyone into the darkness one by one. Rakiro and Bitch would wake up and noticed they were in the 2-D platforming scrolling stage. A wall of noodles was approaching from the left side of the screen. Rakiro and Bitch began to jump on floating platforms and killing enemies when suddenly they noticed that shi was playing the videogame they were in. They both begged shi to somehow release them from the game and began to pound on the screen. Shi then...
"Only if you repay me in sexual favors!" Shi said. This was, of course, the same Shi who happened to be the giant-dick-God. So Bitch would not complain, neither would Rakiro. Once out of the video game, the two realized that Shi's enormous penis was actually a foamy noodle. Like the kind that would normally be used for pool time fun. After that they...
...both picked up shi and pulled until she was torn in half. Suddenly Rakiro and Bitch bodies faded away into nothing and they materialized, trapped in playing cards on a desk. A Klown was looking at them and chuckled, ''Soon Tosi and Darkaruki will join my card collection.'' Meanwhile Tosi and Darkaruki were in a dark and rusty building site, chased by broken vending machines which shot rusted soda cans at them. Suddenly doppelgangers in the form of Rakiro and Bitch appeared before them, and they...
Began dancing the carameldansen whilst singing that overused tune. Darkaruki and Tosi covered their ears and closed their eyes, but still couldn't block out this monstrosity before them! Soon they...
...fell over unconscious their ears bleeding. They disappeared and joined the card collection on the Klowns desk. L*n* had also been captured in a card, but that's not important. Meanwhile, the real shi and XIX were swimming in a waterpark, when suddenly more doppelgangers posing as Tosi and Darkaruki appeared in front of them dressed in teddy bear costumes and they...
XIX and Shi saw through their ruse and used their powers to turn them into muds, along with a -10 crown... Whatever that was. Then they banned them. Well, that's what they thought they did. In reality, they were tripping balls from eating too many shrooms and just drowned the dopplegangers. Afterwards, Shi and XIX...
...disappeared and were trapped in cards just like everyone else. Xenon got captured too. The Klown laughed, ''Now all of you will be replaced by doppelgangers!'' The Klown was about to burn the cards when suddenly everyone was pushed out of the cards back to their normal size! The Klown then retreated into the shadows. Then everyone was attacked by their own cheap made-in-china rip off doppelgangers. The camera focused on Bitch and his/her/whatever's doppelgangers battle...
Tits, Uboas and Vaginas were showing everywhere! It was a terrible scene to see. Bitch's doppleganger exclaimed "I WILL CRUSH YOU!" as it readied it's large breasts, which were far superior to the real Bitch's breasts. The real Bitch retorted "Shut the fuck up you Titty Monster!" The Doppleganger became what Bitch had said - A giant Titty Monster. This titty monster then looked at Tosi and became jealous of his extremely gay dress. That's when the Titty Monster...
...collapsed into a black hole from having too heavy breasts. Bitch would then run away screaming like a little girl. The black hole thankfully closed quickly after being created, but not before sucking in some nearby dancing sporks. Meanwhile in Rakiro and his doppelgangers fight...
They began fighting furious before they realized their moves were matched. They were just kicking each other's feets and punching each other's fists! So they did what they knew how to do best, they began fucking each other. The fucked relentlessly for thirty minutes before...
...shi appeared out of nowhere and joined the orgy. After another 30 minutes they were all completely exhausted. They all lay on their backs looking up at the sky, when suddenly a far away dot appeared. It got closer, and closer, and closer, till they realized it was a..
...really big male butt, which fell on them and crushed them. Thankfully Rakiro regenerated due to having eaten regeneration medicine prior to the events of this story. But then, a massive steampunk robot scorpion appeared and it began to shoot pencils at everyone. Then cod roe baby aliens from the Tarako commercial appeared, marching and chanting ''TARAKO! TARAKO'' ominously. Suddenly...
An arm came from the ground out of nowhere, it was holding a platinum-plated gold Billy Herrington Statue, at this point everybody knew Darkaruki was back and then exclaimed "DAMN THAT GUY IS BADASS, LOL" but then Djbaker flew it from the top of the skies and shouted "NO LOL" and threw his banhammer at him, Rakiro was looking at this excitingly and said...
...''Fgrweh'e ior'yb pmn'wvn liuol'qa ZALGO!'' Rakiro then turned into a Zalgo abomination and Jack Chick said ''HE COMES'' while he peeled off his own skin. Then Darkaruki started to hallucinate and thought Djbaker was a vampire, so he put a stake through Djbaker's heart, killing him. But then, Xenon found a portable portal which could be carried around and got an idea. He picked it up and started pushing it through itself, which caused...
...caused storm clouds to gather above them. The portals within portals within portals must have been causing it. Suddenly, it started raining cake, which...
People to partake in cake eating, which lead everyone to become extremely over weight except for Bitch since she was British and dislikes pastries unless tea is served with them. Then Bitch whipped out her crossbow and...
...a volcano had appeared and was spewing hot tea out of it, scalding everyone. Then Rakiro said, 'I AM A GERMAN SHEPHERD'' and then Rakiro was a furry. Suddenly, Darkaruki's eyes glowed and he...
Made Bitch scream "OH MAH GAWD! SMA!" in which she proceeded to glomp the sailormoon scout. But she was late so she had to get a double to do the glomping for her. This glomper happened to be a 500 pound man communist of sorts. The communist glomped the Sailor Whore and then...
...Bitch was infected with nanobots which turned her into a Koi fish. Then Rakiro laughed a mechanical laugh and pulled off his disguise, revealing his true self as an evil washing machine. It said, ''Have an ice day!'' The pun hurt everyone and then a really big shadow was cast over everyone, the moon was falling on them! Everyone scrambled to get to safety, except for Rakiro and Bitch, who were too busy playing...
Monopoly! The two began playing in a friendly matter, but things soon turned grim as Bitch claimed that Rakiro owed her money. Rakiro denied her claims and made his own, which were met with the fiercest of bitch slaps despite her being a fish. Rakiro suddenly turned into a fish before he...
...was pancaked along with Bitch by the moon. And then everyone woke up and realized they were in an airplane. Darkaruki was dressed as a flight steward and serving corrosive drinks to the passengers. Suddenly Trace's voice came from the intercom and said, ''This is your captain speaking, we are unfortunate to inform you that the plane is slowly falling apart due to being made from scotch taped cardboard boxes and due to budget cuts the parachutes were sold to a Spanish ice cream factory. Do not panic and enjoy the remaining flight.'' Bitch looked out of the window and screamed, ''Look outside! It's...
DOUBLE NIGGER! Yes, indeed it was some sort of creature called a "Double Nigger". Somehow, it was riding a bike whilst flying, not only that, but it was the one who was stealing parts of the airplane! Bitch quickly took out her telecommunicator from some foreign gaming land and called up all her man whores. Each of them combined to form a giant flying penis, which carried all the passengers safely to the ground. Afterwards, Darkaruki looked at the giant pen0r and...
...melted into a puddle of chocolate. Then Rakiro pointed at the sky and yelled, ''LOOK OVER THERE!'' While everyone was looking at the sky, Rakiro used Schrodinger's cat quantum physics to exist everywhere and nowhere at the same time, appearing on a tropical floating island in the sky. Everyone else had been transported there by big flying shoes. L*n* would have said something at this point, but since she's censored, her line was replaced with the sound of a snoring kid. Then Darkaruki reformed into a tanuki and his balls grew and grew and grew and made Rakiro so scared he peed his panties and changed them for new clean pink panties. Then Bitch said, ''XENON IS AN OCCULTIST LYNCH HIM'' So Darkaruki killed Xenon by crushing him with his big and heavy balls. But then Bitch cackled and beeped her own nose. ''HONK HONK'' Bitch then turned into a big scary klown. Rakiro put on his make up, polka dotted skirt and high heeled shoes and he tried to kill Bitch the klown by chewing Bitch's left ankle. Bitch...
yelled "Jay Kay!" before she popped out from behind a rock. She approached the "Bitch Klown" and removed all its makeup. The Bitch Klown was no other than XIX. He screamed: "I would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids and their Bitch!" Afterwards, Bitch turned into a crazy black woman with a dew rag and began pressing charges, causing Rakiro to...
...wear a german shepherd puppy as a wig. Traces poked Bitch with a stick which made her cry. Then suddenly Darkaruki's shadow rose from the floor and turned into a gigantic flying yellow submarine. Everyone got on the submarine and flew through the skies, launching torpedoes everywhere causing explosions. But then a giant disembodied head of Sarah Palin appeared and screamed, ''WMD ALERT! WMD ALERT! INITIATE COUNTER ATTACK!'' So everyone got on top of the submarine and began a JRPG boss battle with Sarah...
...Until she fell to the ground revealing she had a dick. L*n* went over and poked the dick. Then they saw Shi flying! "we thought you were dead!" they exclaimed as the giant god came crashing down. "NOM" He exclaimed as he went over to sarah pailins dick and fucked it with much passion. Then.....
nut started rising from the sea! They began flying onto shore, causing people to open their mouths and catch them with their mouths! Bitch became sorely disappointed because she knew they were not the nuts she preferred, so she did not gobble them. Instead, she tried to find a black man selling his hot salty nuts of all assortments. Meanwhile, Shi began...
....To eat grass. On the back or shis head there was a button that said DO NOT PUSH. Darkaruki,being the faggot he is of course went up and pushed it. Shi exploaded and dark was consumed in a blackhole. The blackhole closed and all was well. Shi's penis lay on the ground. Bitch picked up the penis and used it as her new sword. Then Lise,went over to bitch and inspected the penis. "Tis a penis of great value" She said. "Use it wisely for it carries great power, and with great penis power comes great sperm as well." Bitch replied."Yes it has already soiled my hand" All of a sudden The great vagina race started to fall and shoot bionic sprem at the warriors. Then....
Bitch threw the penis sword at them, before she began hopping on Rakiro's big, hard, bone. Tosi also jumped on the giant bone, possibly belonging to an elephant or something since it was big enough to have both of them on it. Neither of them knew why Rakiro had one of this size, nor did they know why Rakiro was rubbing it so vigorously. Tosi pulled out a Cirno doll and said "Oh baby I love you." Whilst Bitch transformed into a Valley girl before she replied "Like, where are we?". Then Rakiro...
...a phone booth materialized and Rakiro came out of it wearing a tinfoil Sailor Senshi costume and bracelets. He struck a pose and said, ''I am Sailor Tinfoil Dog! I will steal all of your star seeds!'' Sailor Tinfoil Dog then said, ''Galactica Rainbow!'' and threw paint balls of all colors at everyone. Sailor Tinfoil Dog then held his bracelets and shot 2 yellow energy blasts from them, both of which hit Bitch dead on. A flower opened on Bitch's forehead and a star seed came out, but it turned black. Then black vines enveloped Bitch and came off, revealing Bitch as a phage wearing a pretty blue Sailor Senshi costume, pink wig and a shaved beard. ''I am Sailor Tranny!'', exclaimed Bitch. Then Sailor Tranny...
....Began to masturbate!The cum sprayed out so far that it struck the vaginas and caused them to concive. Then they began punch the pregnant vaginas causing the babies to spurt out. They then began to feast on the babies! Then....
Sarah Palin came forth and slapped Bitch. "I *CAN* SEE RUSSIA FROM MY HOUSE!" she exclaimed. Bitch produced a baby and smacked Sarah with it, retorting- "I don't care how good your eyesight is, you silly whore!" Then Sarah Palin began to melt, revealing that it was none other than Darkaruki. Then Bitch...
Everyone started having sushi babies. Then the babies combined to form a brand new Bitch. Bitch exclaimed "I BELIEVE THAT IS NOT YOUR SAMMCIH!" before attacking everyone with a penis pistol. No one was spared the pleasure of having a giant penis shot in their mouth and/or asses at a high velocity. NO ONE. Then every began...
...eat their own arms. Suddenly the world turned briefly into TV static and then everyone was in a graveyard. Everyone were in a water gun First Person Shooter game! L*n* was trapped behind the graveyard fence due to a glitch and couldn't do anything. Xenon was hiding behind a gravestone and threw water balloons which soaked Bitch, Darkaruki and Rakiro badly. Darkaruki ran around looking for towels to dry off the wetness, or else someone would soak them and fill their wetness bars, which would cause them to lose. Bitch found a towel and dried off some wetness, but then Traces jumped from an open grave and began to soak her slowly with a small water pistol, so Rakiro...
began to do a slow motion dive to block Bitch from the terrible water squirter. He was going far too slow so he lost momentum and fell on his face. By this point, Bitch was entirely soaked and said "Damn, I'm all wet! Well, it's not different from any other night." Rakiro dissapoofed and materialized as a parrot on Bitch's shoulder and said "Zing!". Then Tosi jumped at Bitch and stole her pecker(Rakiro). Rakiro then used Fly and attacked the second turn, landing a critical on Tosi and killing him. Commrade withdrew his Tosi and tossed out another pokeball that contained...
...baby_wolf, who immediately used Drama Bomb on Bitch. Rakiro then pecked Commrade's eyes out. But then, Xenon managed to fill his special bar and used a Super Move and pummeled Traces healthbar to zero with cool martial arts kicks. Then L*n*...
started to do the dance of her people. However, she could not do it properly because there was no pole present. Tosi screamed "Bloody Murder!" because he thought it'd be funny. But it wasn't funny. It. Was. Not. Then Bitch summoned an angry bidoof, which then...
...Bitch formed a party with Traces, Tosi and Rakiro and they started grinding on slimes. But then, a Dragon appeared, and they got into an epic Korean MMORPG bossfight...
then they gave up soon after the fight started due to Bitch saying something so very true about all Korean MMORPGs... Like... "We'll be here for hours spamming the same potions and moves! Let's not be nerds and go outside!!!" And so they did. However, they all began burning because they were not use to the sun. So instead they...
...began to play Hot Potato in Bitch's house with a burning stick of dynamite. Rakiro threw it to Darkaruki, who passed it to Traces, who passed it to Xenon, who passed it to L*n* when the dynamite exploded and blew L*n* into a pile of ash. Then another dynamite was lit and Xenon passed it to Tosi who passed it to Bitch who...
held it for a long time as she looked out her window. It was Osama! He was hiding in Bitch's bush the whole time...!... The ones outside... Yeah! Then she threw the lit stick of dynamite out the window towards Osama in slow motion. Osama tried to dive in slow motion, but was too slow to avoid the slow stick of dynamite. Instead, it somehow got logged in his anus and exploded, revealing that Osama was actually George DOUBLEYA Bush. Then Bitch, Tosi and Rakiro...
...pulled out their musical instruments. Rakiro began to play his bass, Bitch played the electric guitar and Tosi beat his drums. But then a bolt of holy lightning came from the heavens and fried Tosi into a pile of ash. Another holy lightning bolt struck Rakiro, but he was unaffected because he was wearing a rubber raincoat and reliving his childhood playing in a puddle of water. Then a holy lightning bolt of divine punishment struck Bitch, but instead of turning into a pile of ash she...
...to drink sake. But suddenly, Rakiro fell off the cloud, and he and Bitch noticed there was a zombie apocalypse happening! Everyone quickly picked up weapons, Rakiro took a baseball bat, Bitch took a frying pan, Xenon took a kitchen knife, Darkaruki took a broken wine bottle, Traces took a stick and Tosi decided to fight with his bare hands. Everyone beat a zombie L*n* into a lump of meat and moved on through hordes of zombies, eventually discovering their source...
it was Viper from some sort of game! She was crapping them out whilst a creepy white guy was saying "OH YEAH GIMME THE CHOCOLATE GIRL!". Then Rakiro...
...sucking on a delicious ice lolly. Then everyone disappeared in a puff of logic and appeared in a candy land. Everyone started eating the candy and getting fat when...
Which caused Bitch to dance like a black girl whilst screaming "I GOTCHO MAC N CHEESE!". Rakiro became frightened since he was not the kind to like black people or their antics. He donned a white hood and...
...got shot in the head by the real Rakiro. The doppelganger turned into a pile of green slime. Then a big worm with the head of a klown appeared and it bit Darkaruki. Darkaruki began to swell and he burst as parasitic baby klown worms erupted from his body. One of the klown worms bit Bitch and she...
yelled "A pen0r bit me!" But it was no pen0r, it was a klown worm! Bitch then began to evolve until she turned into a Bitchachu. She rubber her breast together and caused a static pulse to emmit from them, which hit Rakiro. Rakiro then...
...grew a nice pair of horns. Tosi then took off his own head and threw it at L*n*. Then XIX appeared and placed a pineapple on Tosi's neck as a substitute for his head. Then everyone was sucked into a rainbowy swirly portal and everyone was in a race car on a car racing track! The lights went green and everyone pushed the gas pedal and began to race, except for L*n* who accidentally drove her car backwards and off the track into the ocean. Rakiro was driving a big shiba inu converted into a living car, with it's paws replaced with wheels. Bitch was driving a vibrator car, of course. Rakiro ran over some annoying kids playing on the track. Bitch rammed Rakiro's car from behind, so Rakiro got next to her and rammed to her side, trying to push Bitch off the track into the bushes infested with angry chainsaws. In response, Bitch...
pushed the secret button in the secret compartment of the vibrator car's secret area! A sticky net exploded from a hole in front of the car, which stopped Rakiro in his tracks. Bitch crossed the finish line and won the golden chicken trophy. She held it high, but Darkaruki swoop in and stole it! Bitch then screeched for ten minutes straight, attempting to ear rape the villain before he could get away. Rakiro got out of the sticky web he was in and then...
...twiddled his fingers, sending everyone back in time. Everyone was in a jungle and there were dinosaurs everywhere. Xenon tried to capture a Brontosaurus but it just stomped on him. L*n* was eaten by a pterodactyl. Traces glomped a T-Rex, and the T-Rex...
was crushed by Traces immense weight. Bitch decided to take the opportunity and become the world's first prostitute by servicing all the cave men. Which were replaced with modern day hotties because she disliked hairy monkey-like people. Rakiro then began a topic that would wind up becoming a "never ending story". Afterwards he sent everyone forward in time to the part where he was climbing out of his sticky racecar. He then looked at the sky and noticed it was imploding! He then realized that he had divided by zero and raped the space-time continuum! A gigantic Cirno flew onto the scene and...
...from all around the world you could hear "JAWSOME" being blared from speakers and televisions shattering glass and moving mountains while Cirno opened its mouth and began to eat EVERYTHING in big crunching bites. Totally caught off guard, rakiro grabbed a shovel and started to dig to...
...Nippon. Everyone got out of the hole and Rakiro and Bitch began to marvel at all the Nipponese stuff. Tosi then got everyone on the Super Fun Giant Slingshot and shot everyone, covered in strawberry jelly, back to Wetgenes. Wetgenes had changed a lot in their absence. Otter aliens had invaded Wetgenes. The trees and bushes were partially mechanized into cyborg plants. Animals were exterminated and replaced by robot copies. The town had turned into a big city completely made of steel and alien technology. Then a big robot hand grabbed everyone and pulled them into a big dark hole. Then everyone found themselves on a stage filled with limelights in front of an audience made of living cardboard people. The intercom said, ''Entertain them somehow!''. Rakiro pulled out his bass and began to sing a classic rock song to entertain the audience. Bitch entertained the audience by...
showing off her dance moves she learned from the club. She located the nearest pole and strutted her stuff. Then Shi started to dance to APPLE BOTTOM JEANS while wearing them boots with the fur. Tosi decided he would...
...make videogame jokes and puns. However, the audience was not amused, and they all began to throw blunt, sharp and pointy objects along with other painful things. In response, Traces returned the kindness with a Molotov cocktail, which lit the audience in flames who started screaming in pain. Everyone laughed at the audience's pain and began to grill steaks on sticks over the burning cardboard. Then, angered, the intercom...
...were nowhere to be found. Then a bunch of reporters burst into the room through the 4th wall, but an alien energy creature sucked out their brain energy, lobotomizing and killing them. The alien then took control of them and turned them into zombies, making the brainless but NOT undead zombies attack the ragtag group of Forum dwellers. Everyone attacked the zombies, Rakiro did a riff on his bass and caused a 3 ton lead weight crush some of them. Bitch...
Yukarin who was jealous of Bitch's phantom boner. Yukarin grabbed Tosi and tied him to his cock, hoping it would now look thick 'n' natural. Rakiro took a magnified glass and looked over this new penis of Yukarin's and declared it to be...
...''Big, but lacking in class.'' Then Yukarin turned into pink candyfloss. Then everyone went to the abandoned amusement park and had fun. Everyone was riding the roller coaster when...
went all Final Destination 3 on their asses and everyone on the rollercoasted died. Lana and Darkaruki were using tanning beds at the time, so they did not die. Bitch was upset by this so she locked them in and turned up the beds' power so they would burn alive. Afterwards, Bitch cackled "I AM A PINK GIANT KANGAROO EATING YOGURT, FUCK YOU!" then she pressed the reset button. Now everyone was back and...
...everyone was suddenly hypnotized by rays coming from a satellite. Everyone then began to play a Korean anime MMORPG because of the hypnosis. Rakiro chose the rogue class, which was mostly useless except for a few good skills. Bitch chose the archer class because she thought the arrows were very phallic. Darkaruki chose the mage class because he loved the fabulous dresses mages wore. Tosi picked the warrior class because he was gay for muscular men. Everyone began at the newbie town and spoke to the first NPC who said, ''GO KILL 100 WUSSY MONSTERS AND I GIVE YOU A STANDARD REWARD'' And so everyone equipped crappy newbie equipment and traveled to the newbie fields, which was full of cute pink round Wussy monsters just weak enough for level 0 players. Rakiro decided to test his headphone mic and screamed into it, briefly deafening everyone else who had been connected to the voice chat. Darkaruki tested the in-game anime emoticons and Tosi was trying to figure out how to use this and that. Bitch managed to get everyone into a party and they began to whack the Wussies with their +1 wooden sticks. Suddenly, in the middle of their grinding, came...
a large and frightening monster! It had at least times 1.1 the hp of the monsters they were training on. "WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?!!!!ONE1!" Darkaruki screeched, using the T_T emoticon. "I know what to do!" Tosi said as he stepped forward. He pulled down his pants to reveal a cock rocket. Rather, a rooster fashioned into a rocket. He fired it at the monster instantly killing it. They all leveled up and class changed into something new! Rakiro became an Assassout. Bitch became a Huntrass. Darkaruki became a Magical Fairy Drag Queen. And Tosi became a Retarded Deer That Can Only Say "BURD!". They all turned in the quest and then set off to do...
...a little more grinding in a jungle popular with players their level, level 20. There was little bit more variety in monsters here. There were walking aztec temple bricks which had high Strenght and Defence, annoying flying rainbow parrots which had high Dexterity and yellow recolored Wussies which attacked with weak spells from a distance. There were a lot of other players grinding on the monsters. Then everyone remembered they didn't set their stat points! Rakiro put his points into Strength which assassins don't use, Bitch put her points in Intelligence which was useless to huntresses, Darkaruki put his points in Luck which wasn't particularly useful for mages and Tosi put his points in everything but Strenght, which made the party weaker than other players their level. Rakiro tested out his new skills. He ran up to a yellow Wussy and stabbed it multiple in a flurry of special effects and then made himself invisible and sneaked to safety. Bitch aimed at a parrot and shot multiple arrows at it. Darkaruki blasted an aztec brick with a pink heart spell and Tosi finished it off with a powerful cut skill. Bitch walked to a cleric and said, ''Hey wanna join our party? '', but the cleric...
said "ROFLEOWN NO LET'S PVP!". Bitch agreed and owned the cleric by using a rock she found on the ground to throw. She leveled up and put all her points into DEX like she should have and suddenly had 9001 attack points because of her leet hacks. Then a Game Master appeared before her and asked "Lol u hecks?" in which Bitch replied "lolno n00b." Then the Game Master flew away to join the other retarded Game Masters. Rakiro became jealous of Bitch's leet hacksor skillz and tried to imitate them by becoming a script kiddie. Now he an attack power of 8999. Bitch became enraged because a nearby monster casted the "PMS" status effect upon her, making her attack Darkaruki. Rakiro looked at the two and then...
...got banned along with Bitch by a very strict and inflexible GM. Then Rakiro and Bitch bot begged and begged to be unbanned and promised to never ever use a hack again. They were both unbanned but both of their stats were nerfed! Rakiro was suffering from sleep deprivation and energy drink overdose and began to hallucinate. He began to attack enemies with this character that weren't really there. Bitch was trying to cyber some nearby players, monsters and NPCs. Darkaruki had switched to a roleplay server and was roleplaying a flower. Then Tosi dragged Tosi back to the game server and whacked Rakiro, Bitch and Darkaruki on the head with his Beaver Sword. They all decided to go for a raid in an instance dungeon. They all argued which instance they should try before settling on the Restroom Instance Dungeon. Everyone scammed a lot of players to stock up on potions and got into the instance. They were traveling through a loooooong public restroom when possessed toilets came from the stalls and attacked. Rakiro and Tosi aggroed the toilets while Darkaruki and Bitch attacked from a distance because they had low HP and were chickens. After awhile while battling possessed sinks Darkaruki discovered a glitch midway through the restroom instance dungeon inside one of the stalls which...
turned the players into GMs and made all the GMs die irl. Bitch asked "My fellow men, could you direct me to the nearest hood?" in which Rakiro replied "LOLNIGGERCOCK!". Then Tosi said...
...''Fuck this shit I dun wanna be a GM.'' So he gave away everyone's GM hood to some unsuspecting newbies. Then they continued to the instance dungeons end and encountered the boss. The party then hatched a master plan which involved...
...a secret boss they had accidentally summoned, a gigantic plumber! Now trapped between the plumber and monstrous toilet boss, the party tried to look for an escape route. Bitch tried to suggest disconnecting, but the hypnosis wouldn't allow them to disconnect from the game. As the bosses closed in, suddenly...
Bitch unleashed her secret move called "Tits"! The plumber was distracted by them and showed no signs of moving while the toilets - lacking genitalia and eyes, thus shrugging off the effect - came closer and closer. Rakiro and Tosi began playing Guess Who and Darkaruki decided to spring into action by...
...blasting the toilet with a swarm of butterflies. The toilet suffered moderate damage and in return attacked Rakiro, biting off Rakiro's left arm and taking out a huge chunk of his HP. Then Tosi decided to use a move he hasn't tested yet and he...
Accidently opened his Hank Hill virus which spammed his computer up causing him to yell FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU out loud but then suddently...
ITT: Next poster continues story. Hard mode: Not ending the story at your post. Also, Lana has been censored from this story
One day Tosi was prancing on a field of flowers dressed as Cirno the ice fairy when suddenly he turned around and saw...
Which made Bitch...
(^oh comone thats obvious what i wnat you to put)